Bow hunting video

Nice shot Dave.
I just wanted to thank you for the info on Hadley Creek.I was there earlier in the week and had a great time.I can't wait to go again next year.

Bob Macioch
Glad to hear it.

Did you see or shoot a monster? Where'd you stay/hunt?

It's definitely a beautiful place to deer hunt.

Great shot Dave.

Your link did not work for me but I found the video anyway-


How about that turkey mount in that place??

Let's see some pics and hear the story. Who guided you?

Those displays were awesome.How about the turkey decoys...$400-$500.OUCH!
My guide was an older gent named Bobby from Tenn..Great guy.
Not much of a story or a hunt.
First morning of the hunt I was in a ladder stand. Looking over some cut corn with my back towards a deep ravine with a scrape line and the main trail.I saw 3 small bucks before movement caught my eye from the right .He was running a doe down towards me from the right but the doe started back up the field.He stopped 25 yards away faceing up the field.I stuck him in front of the left rear leg
with the arrow going straight towards the front right leg.He expiried in 20 seconds right in front of the stand.Perfect!
They let me try for a doe but all I saw was small bucks chasing does all over the place.I didn't want to mess up the farm for Bobby's other hunters.
I don't know how to post a pic but I'll try.
e-mail me the

Sounds like a fast paced and great hunt. I love when they get wobbly legged right in front of you and tip over.

I'm yet to take a whitetail buck with my bow, but am up to about +/-20 doe, and one mule deer.

I'm headed back to the woods in about 30 min. Can't wait!!
