Broadbill Build questions


New member
Hello All,
Just joined up last week and I already have questions!
Thinking of building a Devlin Broadbill. My question is: has anyone built one with the motor well like the scaup has? Is this an option on the plans?
The reason I ask is I've always wanted to mount a paddle wheel on the back of a duckboat that's pedal powered and the motor well would be the perfect place to install it. Thought it would be fun for jump shooting through the weeds and be hands free. (gun in hand)
I'd design it so I could pull the paddle wheel and pedals out and mount a motor when needed.
Any thoughts? It's OK if you think this idea is strange, all my huntin buddies will tell you I tend to do things a little differently than the norm !!! :D

You might want to consider the Devlin Bluebill which has a motor well already incorporated in the design.

I would be concerned about the loss of displacement if one were to cut out for a motor well in the broadbill design. You may find that you won't have the displacement at the stern for proper flotation and lift when running with a motor.
I've never seen a Broadbill with a motor well. To circumvent any potential problems that Dave brought up you could add them to the present design by "tacking" them on the present transom.

By the way, check your states regs on the paddle wheel idea. Some states prohibit the use of any device, even man powered, if it offers a mechancial advantage over oar.
Eric and Rocky

I've considered both boats for a build for myself. From what I can see if you were to add sponsons on a Broadbill to create a motor well, you would be approaching the Bluebills length, as there is only 17" difference between them as designed. (12'1" or 11'8") So it seems what you would end up with, would be essentially a Bluebill, except 7" narrower than designed. (4'4" instead of 4'11")

I don't know which plan would be easier to work from to make the modification desired, but I'm guessing it might be easier to use the bluebill plans and narrow them some, if thats what you want.

Just a thought.
In Alabama, our regulations only speak to aircraft, motor-driven vehicles, motor boats and sailboats. So, a man-powered paddlewheeler would technically be legal.
Interesting concept. Would probably require a good size rudder to provide steerage. This could be a problem in shallow water.
your not crazy unless im crazy, i was trying to figure out how to make a sneak boat with a pedal driven propeller shaft. in vermont it just says you have to cease movement, so if you boats still moving when you open fire you could be in trouble. i wanted to put a rudder with some sort of braking system so i could stop the boat before i shot. let me know if you have any luck with that paddle wheeler id like to see it done

Thanks for the input on the caomparison to the bluebill. It didn't occur to me about not enough displacement if cutting in a well on the broadbill.
I'm not completely sure if my idea would be legal in MN unless pedalling down a river less than 100 yards wide, so I sent an e-mail to the DNR just to clarify.
I'd hate to go through all the work of building it just to get a fine when I use it !!
If this doesn't work I think I'll build a Scaup. Looks like that would be the Ideal boat for me if I HAVE to use a motor ! ;)
Well I just got a response from the MN DNR on my questions.
Here's the questions I asked:
1. Is it legal to push pole or paddle along the shoreline or through
weedbeds (reeds and cattails) on a lake attempting to shoot ducks?

2. Is it legal to use a pedal type craft to move a boat along to jump
shoot. (paddle boat)

And this is their response:
"You can push pole and shoot ducks if you are in natural vegetation, that
goes for the non motorized paddle boat"

Sounds to me like my paddle wheel idea is legal!
I just need to figure a way to make it work!!!
Rocky,good luck with your paddle propelled duck boat project.Should make a good,leagal sneak boat.
You can drive right to the time you shoot.No need to wait for the boat to stop.(motor/sail).
I envision a reclining position feet forward,rudder can be controlled with lines from a yoke on the rudder.
How and where the paddles are located will be of interest to most of us.Keep the pics coming.