Browning Gold 10 or Remington SP-10

Blake K

Active member
I currently have a SP-10 which I use exclusively for all waterfowl and love the gun. I have had zero issues with the SP-10. My son is also wanting a 10 gauge. The local gun shop has a very nice used(guy won in a raffle, shot it maybe 10 times, and then traded it in) Browning Gold 10 which I am considering purchasing for my son. Don't have any experience with the Browning 10. Pro's or Con's of the Browning?? Would I be better off just waiting for a deal on a used SP-10??
i've had a gold 10 for many years got it before they made 3-1/2 12 last year was the first i did anything to it
replaced springs with stainless steel action was getting slow. ALOT less kick than a pump i can't say anything
bad about them. the guy i hunt with has one and hasn't had a problem with his either
Ive got an Ithaca MAG-10 with the 32" barrel which is the shotgun that pre-dates the SP-10. When remington bought ithaca they changed the trigger guard and the name of course, otherwise its the same gun. Great shotgun, my biggest problem is that gun is designed for lead and wont shoot consistant patterns with steel, dont get me wrong i still shoot it and kill birds with it but i can outreach it with my patternmaster and browning gold 12 with the right steel loads. The 10 however will hold basketball size patterns of #2 lead at almost 100yds!

I keep it because of the antique look and feel of the gun but if i wanted performance and wanted a 10 gauge i would buy something more modern that will pattern todays loads better and be able to accept chokes like the patternmaster.

Plus with todays prices on ammunition the 10 gauge is gonna be limited to only "special" trips for me. I paid $160 a case for 3" steel!! It used to be $100 a few years ago.. crazy. I dont even dare shoot 3 1/2 anymore. When you go through a couple cases a year it adds up!

So... to get off my soapbox and answer your question i wouldnt be scared of a more modern version of the 10 b/c of the compatabily with steel loads and chokes.
Bob I sent the 32'' barrel from my Ithica to briley & they installed choke tubes in it. since then I sold my SP10 I never liked that gun from the moment I removed it from the box. The Ithica shots better now than ever. Joe
In my lifetime I wore out one NEW Gold10 and wore out another used one. quit cycling and my buddies did the
same thing. Loved them shot them maybe to much casue
I used them ALL SEASON not just for goosin. Cant much
afford to shoot them like that anymore.

I switched to a BPS 12ga 3.5" now. never fails me
I just had to send back my sp 10. The issue i had was it was not cycling the shells. It was a single Browning fixed it for $99 and it shoots better then new.
Bob I sent the 32'' barrel from my Ithica to briley & they installed choke tubes in it. since then I sold my SP10 I never liked that gun from the moment I removed it from the box. The Ithica shots better now than ever. Joe

Really? i didnt know they could do that. If you dont mind me asking what did it run you to get them to cut choke threads in it? How did it pattern with steel?
Hi Bob My father is one who did it. He brought the gun to a guy that owned a gun shop & he contacted briley & sent the barrel to them, I lost 2" off the barrel got 3 tubes, 1 full lead only, 1 full steel, 1 mod steel & a installation tool & plastic case , He told me he paid about $175.00 & total. I had not patterned It yet but I took it goose hunting last season & today it shoots awesome I shot 7 geese today with 6 shots at 40 to 50 yards all stone dead. Before the barrel was done I shot at a drake mallard at about 50 yards& killed a hen 4 ft behind the drake. that is when I pattered it on a 4ft by 4ft peice of steel with BB's & hit with about 12 pellets. I would highly recommend getting it done.Joe
Hi Bob My father is one who did it. He brought the gun to a guy that owned a gun shop & he contacted briley & sent the barrel to them, I lost 2" off the barrel got 3 tubes, 1 full lead only, 1 full steel, 1 mod steel & a installation tool & plastic case , He told me he paid about $175.00 & total. I had not patterned It yet but I took it goose hunting last season & today it shoots awesome I shot 7 geese today with 6 shots at 40 to 50 yards all stone dead. Before the barrel was done I shot at a drake mallard at about 50 yards& killed a hen 4 ft behind the drake. that is when I pattered it on a 4ft by 4ft peice of steel with BB's & hit with about 12 pellets. I would highly recommend getting it done.Joe

wow i wonder if it would accept a patternmaster choke?
Bob I don't think you can put a patternmaster tube in unless pattermaster makes one for the barrel. The tubes do not look like other tubes. If you find out before I do let me know.Joe