cabelas ultimate layout blind

do u mean goodbye or goodbi? You do not need to text here, we all speak English. Maybe not so good but complete thoughts and sentences.
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I'm sorry but did anyone else see anything wrong with the first post?? I have been here a long time and don't want this site turned into a text guessing game. I really don't know what "meta" means or is. Help this dumb old fart out.
Seriously, I found the original post insulting and reacted. Probably has something to do with my day job of trying to get todays kids to believe in work, comunicating and skills. No I don't always spell perfectly but I try to make a complete thought. Anyone else out there feel the same or am I full of ___. If so I will shut up and listen.
I'm sorry but did anyone else see anything wrong with the first post?? I have been here a long time and don't want this site turned into a text guessing game. I really don't know what "meta" means or is. Help this dumb old fart out.
Seriously, I found the original post insulting and reacted. Probably has something to do with my day job of trying to get todays kids to believe in work, comunicating and skills. No I don't always spell perfectly but I try to make a complete thought. Anyone else out there feel the same or am I full of ___. If so I will shut up and listen.

Look up the posting history...Donald hasn't used (or even attempted) decent posting etiquette. We're nice guys here, but I have no problem with what Tom said.
Because you asked.

Yes I think you are full of __. Most everyone knows what Donald was asking. If you can answer his question, go ahead, if not keep it to yourself.
You guys need to lighten up.
I am going to say that it is time for Donald to fill out a bit before we keep playing 20 questions. How bout a post on something that adds to the board?

I am no speller or grammar teacher.

But what makes this place, is the parts that the people bring to it, not endless taking.

Besides, MoJo ducks piss me off because they are annoying. Especially for shooting buffle heads which decoy to any thing with a white spot on the head.
Thanks Todd for straightening me out on that a while back, I was on the fence.
You guys need to lighten up.

Why? Why should we lower our expectations?

Think about that for awhile,,,,,,,,,,,,, If there are no rules to follow and expectations to meet, then we all succumb to the lowest common denominator. This holds true for everything we do in life, our jobs, our relationships, our driving skills, as well as our communication skills.
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Because you asked.

Yes I think you are full of __. Most everyone knows what Donald was asking. If you can answer his question, go ahead, if not keep it to yourself.
You guys need to lighten up.

Was he asking a question? I have yet to see any punctuation to indicate such a request. We don't all have to hold a Masters Degree in Rhetoric, but basic use of capitalization, punctuation, reasonable attempts at spelling and for God's sake can I ask for a sentence that rolls off the tongue something smoother than a train wreck? I've said it before, I'll say it again, there is a little button below where you type in your says 'Preview Post' it before it...out loud preferably...

Oh yeah, and my biggest pet peeve...capitalization of "I"...respect yourself and people will respect your posts. Generally most of the guys here honestly want to help out, but read through the posts of question after question (assuming they are indeed questions and not statements).

Call me an elitist snob if you want...I have thick skin...but I think everyone here has evolved beyond clubbing a duck to death with a blunt wood lets drag another log back to the fire in the cave and sit and chew meat off a bone for a while.


Posting from your Blackberry, Don? That's what my Blackberry messages look like, except I don't bother to capitalize, or add punctuation. Actually I hate that thing. I have to use the cursed thing for work. I'm getting to be an old fart myself and all this new technology sort of erks me. My younger partners have taken to "texting" me. Texting me? I tell them don't text me dammit! At least call me or shoot me an email. But texting, that's where I draw the line. Younger folks are so wrapped up in this cyber world they don't see the real world going on around them. Wonder if the Unabomber was right.

Oh by the way I bought one of those Cabela's ultimate layout blinds, but have yet to put it to use. It's pretty nice except the way you're supposed to lay in it is your supposed to lay back on this piece of cloth that stretches from the front to the back of the blind, like a poor man's hammock. I couldn't lay back on that more than about a minute before my back was just killing me. I haven't gotten around to it yet with all the other stuff I need to do but I was going to cut a piece of 1 x 12 pine shelving and make that fit in there and lay on that. The other thing is the frame doesn't go all the way to the foot section of the blind and some sort of PVC frame will need to be facbricated to make that work out. Otherwise the blind seems to be pretty well made. Little risk of dealing with Cabela's anyway if you buy it and don't like it send it back. I can see an opportunity for using to wack some geese up in Arkansas if I can figure out how to lay in it comfortably.

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