Cackler epoxy question

John Robinson

Well-known member
I'm ordering the resin for my Cackler and I have a question about quantity. The materials list says 8 gal resin + hardener. When I went to order that, I found out that Fisheries Supply offers two choices; WEST which is mixed 4:1 and MAS which is mixed 2:1. So with WEST I would end up with 10 gal total mixed product and with MAS I would end up with 12 gal total product.

Does Devlin mean 8 gal resin and hardner together? Also I saw an earlier post mentioning US Composits as a good source. Any recommendation on which epoxy is easiest to work with, most durable, ect? Our summers range from highs in the seventies to 100s, it's 102 today, but will be mid eighties by next week.


The amount for he means is total epoxy after mixing.

Look at Raka for epoxy, many have used it with great results (price is between West/Mas and US composites). I really like Raka, get your glass there too. Order a kit with fast and slow hardner and mix to your taste, I find I go through them at about the same rate (the fast is too hot to mix big pots in summer, but is great for small jobs and as the temps drop).


When building the Cackler the ammounts given are total amounts . I used the System 3 epoxy with great success . it is pricey now i was paying about $40-$49 from Jamestown Dist. it is now about 59.00 a gal for the resin only ! I am thinking that the price jump is to pay for R&D and production of all the special systems System3 has come out with recently . If i was do it again i would proberly go with Raka or Mas just because of the price difference . I am confinced that they are all pretty much the same formulas but the name is what you will pay for . Good luck

Dave m
I used Epoxy Plus from Clark Craft. It's mixed 1:1 and is what I consider in between fast and slow. It cured blush free but I don't think I got the coverage others did with took about 13 gallons to do my BB2. Super easy to use and tough as hell.I'll use RAKA on my next boat.
Try US Composites. 2 1/2 Gal kit of fast hardner was something like 85 bucks last time I ordered.
Here ya go

8 gallons MAS resin and 4 gallons of MAS hardener
Go for more
Information on fiberglass, epoxy and fillers
One 11 lb box filleting blend
Fiberglass Cloth & Tape
100 yards 4” wide x 12oz biaxial tape
26 yards 6oz x 50” wide fiberglass cloth
(9 yards are for 4” and 6” strips and 17 yard are to sheathe the hull, decks and cockpit sole.
Add another 10 yards if you want to add two layers of glass to the hull or 10 yards of Dynel which would be a better outside layer.

I agree with Howard on this one. I have used there epoxy on a bout a dozen skiffs ( kevlar and fiberglass models) , 6 layouts ( ditto) and a couple of BBSB and have always found it easy to work with and the lest expensive. Only one of my boats was glass over wood. The rest are from molds or plugs .

good luck

Dave aka baumy
Count me in for US Composites. Least expensive and very easy to work with. I've been using it for 5 years and 12 boats now. The original boat has held up fine and has been stored outdooors for 3 of the 5 years.

I just finished building a scaup, my first boat. I will put my 2 cents in about US composits. easy to work with and cheapest i could find.

Good Luck
Colin Wheeler
I'm building a boat and started with West then switched to US Composits. US was a lot cheaper and I did not see any difference. I used the USC gluing and covering the glue joints inside and West on the bottom hull outside. Haven't got to the top deck yet.
I bumped this discussion for Mike W. who had the same question about total resin quantity I had. Mike, read Joel's response about half way down the page. thats what I ordered, although I used US Composites for the resin.