camo your boat--yes or no??????

I am debating on undertaking a camo project for my Garvey----I know this has been posted before but thought maybe we could reopen as a winter planning project? Being a marsh hunter poses some different concerns than open water???? Thanks for any input. JP
Are you wondering about painting a boat camo? If you grass it then camo paint is mostly for the hunters not the ducks. Any solid flat earth tone will work if you put grass over it. It is still fun to paint camo but it's not needed.

If you do any unexpected repairs, It's a real pain.
I just used Dead Grass Pettit paint my 2nd time around and grassed it up good!
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Are you wondering about painting a boat camo? If you grass it then camo paint is mostly for the hunters not the ducks. Any solid flat earth tone will work if you put grass over it. It is still fun to paint camo but it's not needed.

I agree completely, go with a brown, olive drab, open water grey, etc.. and then grass it up.
I have been a Petit Dull Dead Grass loyalist for the last 10 years... Until now. I used Lou's FME on my new boat this year and the brown color I chose (I think it's Marsh Brown) blends perfectly with all the embankments. Grassed on top and she's good to go.

I agree with the the notion that camo boats are for the hunter, not the ducks. (But I still like the camo if time allowed.)
Thanks for all the sincere input guys. Lou sent me some attachments on style. Wonderful effect but also very time consuming. I plan on using his FME also--and my alternative plan was the old fashioned blotchy style used by the Army during WW11. I do feel some sort of color combo that breaks up the boat a bit does help a bit. I'll try to post when done. I'm sure David will agree seeing as he is the one that built my wonderful craft.
I was in the same boat as you (so to speak), earlier this fall when I finished my own Cackler Garvey. I had always planned on doing a camo pattern like Eric Patterson's original Scaup, but was talked out of it by the responce I received from a posted question just like your's. I painted mine with Lou Tish's dead grass green and am very happy with it. I noticed when I was out hunting it is almost a perfect match for the water color looking down to the brown-green bottom of the sloughs I hunt.



I do grass it up with a cattail boat blind when hunting out of the boat.

What kind of boat blind are you using on that cackler,do you have any pictures with it on?

I didn't have time before the season ended to perfect my boat blind, but I'm using a hybrid between the PVC system Carl described and the one my buddy made for his Snow Goose. Most of our, out of the boat, hunting is with the boat shoved into tall cattail rushes.

Here's my buddy Neil's Snow Goose...

This is my Cackler with the pvc pole system, but all I had at the time was that army surplus dark green camo netting. It is too dark against the cat tail background. The ducks didn't seem to notice as we had good shooting anyway... You can see how the "dead grass green" matches the water color.

Both of these pics were taken late in the year when the water was too low to shove the boat into the rushes, the best we could do was push the boat up against the rushes. Earlier in the year we can hide the boat much better.

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Hey John nice seeing "my"" boat in the marsh. I am planning on using a lighter brown to go with all the sand we have in Saginaw bay but with the same concept. I have been planning on doing a Bimini top with zippered shooting holes and drop down sides for my boat blind. The project will have to wait as this year I am installing the flotation pods from Beavertail and adding some new birds to my rig. Those projects will take up my stash for this year. thans again for your sage advice and thoughtful pictures.
Hello Kevin; Cannot find Marsh Brown in Lou's FME chart---found about three or four and there is a reasonable differencet Please reply with the number if will---Thank you.
I think it is called #28 Dead Grass Brown. I used #26 Dead Grass Green. I'm going from memory so I might have the numbers turned around, but I think I'm right.

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