Can your dog do this?

Thats a great photo. Very funny. I was waiting to see a sculpture when I scrolled down.
Love it. Now what you need to do is take a picture next duck season with the pup and head set on in the blind. That would be a DU insert for sure.
Wendall ,

That is funny !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mine does that from time to time when she does not want to listen to me hahhahaha !! Start a boat yet ? Season will be here before you know it !!

Dave M
Great pic my lab backs off and watches from a distance. Glad to see i am not the only one who wrestles wood.
Nope, My CBR's were just scattering all the wood through the woods as I cut it yesterday. My yard looks like a wood chipper blew up, since the snow melted.
Very funny pic though.
