? Canada Brant ?

T Entwistle

So my father had some 30 +\- year old goose floaters hanging around his house. I had a need for some Brant decoys. He let me have them. This is how I transformed them into ?Canada Brant? with some help from Steve Sanfords painting tutorial. Thanks Dad and Steve!
The old Herters
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Repaired the deep holes and imperfections with a waterproof wood glue and lizard litter paste.
Then I paint them with the waterproof glue and coat them with lizard litter.

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Then a heavy coat of oil based primer

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Some paint.

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The finished product.

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Lizard litter, that's a new one on me. Wish I could see one in person to compare it to grit-o-cob. Sure looks similar. Nice work on bring them back to service.

Lizard litter, is just ground up walnut shells from what the package states. I found it?s the cheapest way to buy it and most pet shops carry it. I find it works very well and is very durable. It is a bit tough on paint brushes though!
Is it cheaper than the 25lb box of fine blasting media at Harbor Freight? Anyone know how they compare in grit size? I know the HF is a little coarser than Homer Coat. Homer Coat will pass through my flour sifter, the HF will not, but just barely. I am currently using a 2 step coat, first coat is the HF fine, second coat is sifted wood flour from John Bourbon's bandsaw.
In my experience it is the same coarseness as the Homer coat. Not sure if it?s cheaper than Harbor Frieght. I get a 10 quart bag of what they call ?desert blend? for about $12. I have done 3 dozen super magnums/ geese and still have over half left.
T Entwistle said:
Lizard litter, is just ground up walnut shells from what the package states. I found it?s the cheapest way to buy it and most pet shops carry it. I find it works very well and is very durable. It is a bit tough on paint brushes though!

Walnut shells are VERY durable.


I may consider LL as a slurry over some very old, fragile (but floats very well) dark cork.

Well sir, you have earned yer stripes as a new member.

Teaching Old Dogs New Tricks.

And DAT is what it is all about.

Concerning the brushes, get some disposable ones of various sizes, at a craft store, or Wally World.

They do the job very well, and ya don't feel bad when ya wear em out and toss em.

Best regards
Nice job - happy to help!

And - as Vince suggested - I use throwaway - aka "chip" - brushes whenever I can for my gunning birds. I often trim the bristles shorter to give more stiffness ad greater control. And - despite their name - I get years out of such brushes. Some "worn" ones can give me stippling effects that I cannot get with new ones.

I use 1", 1.5" and 2" most commonly for decoys.

BTW: I buy them in bulk - https://www.thepaintstore.com/Chip-Brush-White-China-Bristle-p/1500.htm - as I also use them and their foam brethren for epoxy work and primer coats of all kinds.

All the best,

