Carving Day 16MAR13 Postponed due to no RSVP's

Mike Rowinsky

Active member
Well, lets make this official.

Any and all are invited to my home for a day of carving, painting, BS-ing, trading, sharing, and meeting.


Date: 16MAR13
Time: 7 am to set up and we'll start making noise around 8am. We'll need to stop making noise around 8 pm.

HOWEVER, stop in anytime! Stay all day or for as long as you can...

My address: 33 Dora Circle in Bridgeport, CT 06604

I will provide coffee all day and burgers for lunch. Bring a dish or a sack of something to share form lunch. Bring your own drinks. If you're drinking alcohol, I'm cool with it as long as you're safe and can drive home okay.

I have plenty of power and space in and out of the garage. If you're planing on power carving bring your own extension cord and I'll fire up the generator around back of the garage. If you have a small table you can work off of, bring it as well.

Bring your own chair to work/BS from

Please RSVP so I can estimate the amount of burgers I'll need. If you don't RSVP and show up anyway you're still WELCOME!!!!

Questions? Issues? PM me and we can work it out.

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That is a very nice offer. I only wish you were closer to me. I have been wanting to sit down with someone to learn how to carve for a long time.
I am not afraid to open my home to visitors that would like to return home the next day. I've extra rooms and couches. PM me.


Thanks Tom. Me too. I also hope lots of experienced carvers make the trek as well.

I'm speaking with a local wood shop that may provide some door prizes.

depending on my schedule i might be able to stop by, ill let you know whats up when i know what days im working

My apologies if this is not allowed. However, I want to keep this near the top.

>200 views and NO commitments? Sad.


About a week out and so far nobody is in. I may just move it to later in the Spring.

I was hoping to try and organize regular meetings based on an interest I perceived to be there. Either it isn't there, or I've timed it wrong.

Ya'll let me know....

Hey Mike,
I would come down and still might, but I think I am busy in the AM. I will let you know better next week.
I too have been watching this event and would like to attend. Unfortunately the 16th is when our club celibates ST. P's Day. If they are getting plenty of help, I'll blow off the prep work and simply enjoy the dinner. If they need help, they get priority and I can't make the carving party. I won't know until next week.

I really appreciate your offer to host a get together and hope this works out.


I have been tempted to make the 3-hour run, but I'm just too jammed up. I'm trying to build a website this month and - winter chores around the farm to complete - and many more once weather breaks.

I hope you get enough guys together and I will try hard for 2014 - or later this year.

Thanks for your efforts,

Mike, you have a great idea. I would like to participate, however, I am heading to NY on the 16th for a goose hunt. Figures. If you host it on another date I will make every effort to attend.

sorry all. I'm going to postpone the carving day.

Nobody could make it this early. I'll find a date later in the year to re-try.

Oh well...

This event has been moved to my house in East Hampton on August 10th. email me at for details.

Mike Rowinski, Scott Farris, and Pete Revicki, plus a new guy Wil Iturrino came by Saturday to make wood chips, cork dust, tell tales. Great time. Thanks go out to Barb Farris for a plate of delicious blueberry muffins, Will for some tasty venison burgers, and Mike for some sausage from Alabama.

Wil has never made a decoy before and he is now addicted. He came by Friday after work and worked on his bird until after 10 pm, from around 9am until 5pm Saturday, and I expect him back this afternoon to glue it up.
Wish i was able to make it. The wife ended up having to go to work. However the day wasn't wasted, i have two buffie heads just about complete so even if i wasn't there i was still carving with you guy's. LOL

I had a good time! Jim, thanks for hosting it. Mike & Will good meeting you. Pete, as always, great seeing you.

Thank you Jim, I had a great time. I wish I could have stayed longer, but as it was I was late for the other picnic and had to hear it from the wife. It is always a pleasure to get together and carve and the stories aren't bad either.