CBR question

Erik Mion

Recently when sent out for water retrives my chesapeake Bell picks up the dummy but then whines all the way boack to shore with it in her mouth.
Is this an indication of anything?
Hi Erik - I'm far from a dog expert, but my chocolate lab does a similar thing sometimes and I've never worried about it. He's generally very excited when we head out training or hunting and this manifests in him getting very noisy with whining when we're close to familiar spots in the car. He's just a vocal dog in general though, and will sometimes whine and snort as he swims back, and particularly on the first retrieve of a double mark. I've always attributed it to excitement on his part - a triumphant woof after delivering the bird to hand is not unusual with him. At first it was unnerving as I thought he was in trouble whining along in the water, but I've taken it to mean he's just excited about the activity and haven't noticed any problems as of yet - just my thoughts about my dog - I'd be curious to hear if anyone else has experienced something similar.
How old is she?

Does she do it on land?

When was she introduced to water? This may not be relevant, but IMO, March is a little early to be doing water work with a young dog in the NE.

CBR's can be compulsive about behavior. I'd back up and stick to land work for a while before resuming water work. If it's just a phase, let it pass before it becomes hardwired.
She's 11 months and was swimming for a good portion of fall and summer. She never does this on land. I guess land work would be the way to go until things get somewhat warmer

If you CBR has a good thick coat, thanks to spending time outside and not curled up next to the wood stove... There is no issue with water training in March. The ice just came out of the river by my house... Kodi had zero issue in the cold water....
Erik, Don't worry to much about the whinning, as long as the dog is enthusiastic about retrieving and doesn't start balking at the dummies. Certainly don't worry about the cold water, it is a Chessie were talking about. I have two, a twelve year old male and a three year old female. The female often whines in exitement on the way to retrieve a bird, especially if it's a cripple. The old guy has retrieved some many birds, he doesn't get to excited about anything these days.