CCP and what firearm would you carry?

Thanks Scott, A couple more to add to the list....:-0...I'm beginning to feel information overload!

Easy remedy, buy a couple or three or four. Like duck boats, you really need more than one!
Sig P238 is my pocket gun and Sig P229 is my inside the waistband CCW. Well, they would be except the People's Democratic Republic of Muhrlund won't issue me a CCP without a verified threat (State PoPo have to validate).

That's what I'm afraid will happen here to. Time will tell.
The Smith & Wesson M&P Shield is a nice carry semi auto. In .40 S&W, it has plenty of power, is less than 1 inch thick so it is easily concealable, has a 6 and 7 round clip. Inside the pants hip holster is easy to hide with an shirt untucked. Also comes in a 9mm that holds 7 and 8 rounds in the clips I believe. It is a little smaller than the M&P compact since it is a single stack.
Another very good choice, a bit bulky but effective. The .44 Special is a sweetheart to shoot and plenty of gun. More of a truck gun but if you can hide it, a good choice.
Tom, The Carter Arms Bull Dog w/ a 2" barrel fits in pretty much any S&W J Frame holster. No bulkier than a Chief's Special. Just came in from our morning walk and there's one in my back pocket now. And John B, nothing else is in that pocket to tangle up with it.
