Chance turned 1....


Active member
I've been having a ball working with Chance, my Chessie. He just turned a year old and has approached 80 pounds, but you can still tell he's a puppy. He's a main attraction each day when I bring him to the town dock and beach. The kids (even my own) want to play fetch with him and take turns throwing the bumper. It's like an amusment ride to the kids, I don't mind especially when you see how excited they get too see a dog swim.

I was hoping to get a picture of chance this morning while we trained, but left the camera home. He's doing real well with the sit, stay, heel and down commands and I have him doing simple retreives and taking a line. In the next three months I hope to find a close field to start some serious training, all my old training fields got developed- and the school fields are for the most part off limits.

He's still a bit mouthy, constantly licking and nipping (not to hurt, just to hold) and it's driving my wife nuts. I can't seem to break him from this quirk, but he's not biting me so it's a step up. Actually I haven't had any aggressive episodes since January.

I'll try and get some pictures of the boy. I was looking into a new camera for this season and was hoping to have a new one by now but so many choices just overwhelmed me. I'm almost at the point to get 2 one thats waterproof (canon d10, Olympus 8000 or pentax w80) and the other being a Megazoom or an DSLR (although the megazoom are half the price of an SLR).

I'll take some pictures this week, promise.

Best purchase last year was the dog, wish I had bought 2.

Hi Jack,
I love your last line!! Most people don't understand all dogs learn on their own schedule.
(if properly trained) I tell everyone dogs are more trainable than kids.
Nice looking pup, John
Pic of Chance as a little pup drew a big Awww' from my wife Becky.
Thanks for the post. Chance is a pretty dog (80 pounds already). You are obviously feeding him well. Send him down to Eric P. for some skunk avoidance training, Bwahahaha.

Good on you,
Beautiful Bay Dawg,

What kennel is he from? Very handsome fellow.

I have a 19 month girl from Westwind Kennels from Maine.

I went dove hunting in Delaware last September and my close friend convinced me that I should try a Chessie as my next dog. So, long story short we found a litter from a back yard breeder with both parents present. The parents were friendly and hunted and the pups were all healthy looking. I wasn't planning to breed or do the field trials, so having papers wasn't a concern. I took the "Chance" and told no one about my purchase. I drove back to Long Island with the pup and strolled in the house with Chance following me. It took about 30 seconds before wife saw Chance, and her first question was "Only 1 puppy, right? "

I am happy to say that having owned both a Labrador and a Chessie, that the Chessie is very calm and would likely buy another Chessie.

looking good Jack, happy birthday Chance. keep up that training i know i am only one bite from a well trained pup. i will see you soon bud hope you feel better before the stripers leave