Cheap jet ski

I saw an old jet ski on Ebay if anybody has been looking for one to convert. This one does not have a motor. Go to ebay stores and then boat angel. They are a charity and most of their stuff sells real cheap. If anybody messes with it make sure to post pictures.
To me it looks like a natural conversion, jet ski to duck boat, like they do with the Sunfish sail boats. I've thought of this before. Has anyone seen it done?

The resulting boat should be stable to pole from and also handle good horse power.

TRhere is a company called Molkai or Molokai or something along these lines that put a small jet ski motor into a boat hull. They made the motor easily removanble so that afrter each you, you turn a couple of screws and the motor "pops" out. This way the weight of the boat and motor was separated allowing one person to carry both. Neat concept. I don't know if they are still in business.

Mark W
Sounds like a good idea with one problem- Jets don't like weeds. I wish they did because I have almost endless supplies of the blasted things. Anybody figure that one out let me know.
I got an old Yamaha wave-runner that was completely stripped of it's running gear and I'm thinking about converting it to a one-man duck boat or even a layout boat. So if this HAS been done before, and somebody could post a link, I'd really appreciate it. I'll probably start the project over the winter.