Has anyone considered the facts of much degraded habitat, plus the facts the birds get the hell scared out of them with all the early goose seasons, "Conservation" seasons, electronic callers, mojo/robo decoys, so on and so forth. If anyone thinks Increased Pressure has NO affect on the birds, and migration influences, they have not studied the birds we hunt. They ARE extremely sensitive to hunting pressure. There are fewer places for them to live, rest and feed, and all those places attract many many hunters when the populations are high as they are now. If yer out there every season for 50 years, ya don't need a darn graph to show you things have Changed, and not all because of Climate Change.
Vince I agree,that early Sept Conservation order in NY raised hell in the Marshes, shooting 1/2 after sunset at Geese coming in to roost is crazy. The ducks are coming back at the same time and bang off they go to town to sit & shzt in some park .
But I think I'm getting off topic..
Tod, everyone knows the earth is flat.