I wish that Brad B would weigh in on this......he's got a lot of professional and personal knowledge on this issue.
Please do not tell me you believe the peer review process is pure. That would be ignoringing several NAS (and Nature) articles suggesting otherwise.
What an interesting dichotomy on your part, Todd. I recall offering you a very similar opportunity(without the sefl-rightous overtones) to disprove my statements in the "Great White North" thread. How did you respond, despite your previous announcement that you had ready access to a trained limnologist (wife) who did her doctoral dissertation on stained lakes in northern Wisconsin? You opted for a personal attack on me (third time on this board) and a diatribe about my limited "academic credentials" and lack of publications.No Mike, explain it. You accused a huge body of hard working people of lying to the citizens of the world. Explain the peer review process and the points at which you think it is likely that the thousands of climate scientists across the globe are cooking the books. You made the charge, now back it up with what you know. I've shown I'm willing to answer your questions fully, now it is your turn. TodRather than me tell you what I know about the peer review process and have you pick apart the details I'll just say that I understand your point.
What an interesting dichotomy on your part, Todd. I recall offering you a very similar opportunity(without the sefl-rightous overtones) to disprove my statements in the "Great White North" thread. How did you respond, despite your previous announcement that you had ready access to a trained limnologist (wife) who did her doctoral dissertation on stained lakes in northern Wisconsin? You opted for a personal attack on me (third time on this board) and a diatribe about my limited "academic credentials" and lack of publications.No Mike, explain it. You accused a huge body of hard working people of lying to the citizens of the world. Explain the peer review process and the points at which you think it is likely that the thousands of climate scientists across the globe are cooking the books. You made the charge, now back it up with what you know. I've shown I'm willing to answer your questions fully, now it is your turn. TodRather than me tell you what I know about the peer review process and have you pick apart the details I'll just say that I understand your point.
As evidenced quite frequently on this board, King Pyrrhus learned what you have not, nor will ever likely grasp as a valuable life lesson.
As I said before pure Hubris!
No Mike, explain it. You accused a huge body of hard working people of lying to the citizens of the world. Explain the peer review process and the points at which you think it is likely that the thousands of climate scientists across the globe are cooking the books. You made the charge, now back it up with what you know. I've shown I'm willing to answer your questions fully, now it is your turn. TodRather than me tell you what I know about the peer review process and have you pick apart the details I'll just say that I understand your point.
No Mike, explain it. You accused a huge body of hard working people of lying to the citizens of the world. Explain the peer review process and the points at which you think it is likely that the thousands of climate scientists across the globe are cooking the books. You made the charge, now back it up with what you know. I've shown I'm willing to answer your questions fully, now it is your turn. TodRather than me tell you what I know about the peer review process and have you pick apart the details I'll just say that I understand your point.
You would like me to explain what I know about the peer review process?
I'm not the one asserting that the process is perfect and the science is settled.
no room for doubt left to anyone with a brain.
The constant drumbeat that the concensus has spoken is what makes me think the process has been unduly influenced by money politics and ideology.
I never said thousands of scientists are cooking the books. Just that lots of money seems to be available for the believers..
want to study the effects of global warming on road rage ? here's your check.
we see this on the news daily
want to demonstrate that a 1 degree rise in temperature will result in increased crop yields worldwide? Probably be waiting for your check a little while.
And took what happens to anyone with questions. Denier! Heritic!
These are some of the problems that I see in the process. And don't tell me nobody ever cooks the books. History is full of men with huge egos unable to let go of their favorite theory.
The ipcc website attempts to explain the current pause in warming with several possible explanations
But reconsidering any of the their original premises wasn't one of them
But really that isn't even my main concern.
My real.problem with the whole issue is that i don't think even a small fraction of the processes that have kept earth's temperature stable for billions of years have been accounted for.
As I've said before give me a 10 day forecast i can rely upon and I'll consider your 30 year prognostication.
I keep saying that's it's not what is known that raises my doubts, it is all the unknowns.
Depending if you are an evolutionist or creationist, the earth is either around 5,000 years old or 4.5 billion years old. If someone can point me to to periods of time where the earth hasn't had warming periods and cooling periods in the past 4.5 billion years, something like we are going through at every single point in time in the modern world, I'll believe everything Al Gore is saying. And I want peer reviewed documentation to prove that nothing like this has ever occurred in the past 4.5 billion years.
My favorite Al Gore story and global warming is just too funny. He was giving a speech somewhere. A reporter went around to the back of the building where Gore's motorcaide was waiting. Here was a bunch or Escalades (I believe it was 4-5) of them all with their engines running and air conditioners on. Or how about the private plane he took to get there, or going back to his residence where he was spending $5,000/month on energy costs. Sure glad he is so concerned. Sure glad he is doing his part to reduce CO2 footprints......
If there is money to be made, or government funds to be handed out, people will exploit every trend till the end of time.
Mark W
1The last word on this topic has come to light. waterfowl migration be damned. The unrest on this site couples with global unrest, as stated recently by Al Gore . Al says global unrest is caused by global warming. There it is final, the inventor of the internet has spoken.
Now we need to determine if pres. B.O. is an "honorable Man".
Damn...have tried to reply several times....are you blocking them?
Having been part of the SERPD proprosal review committee for several years, we rejected many proposals because of the failure of downscaling models...please show me where downscaling models (used in the paper I cannot read...only the abstract which is meaningless, in a meteological journal which will not evaluate the biology).
Having been an editor...you send the manuscript to "experts" in the field....they are experts because they have published there....if the data does not support "their" data, I have seem brutal reviews if good data....then if the editor has published in the field, positive reviews will still be rejected by the editor.
You place all you confidence in the peer review process, but I am troll because. I question your basic premise...
For you a lot of bluster without addressing the downscaling problems....so am I a troll or are you?