Close encounters of the Goose kind

Craig F

Well-known member
Got out before work the other day and had more of the same, slow hunting with very few puddlers around. We need another push of weather to get some new birds in the area. Before packing it in and heading to the office I had a group of geese decide to swing a little too close to the spread. I pulled up on one, hit it, then swung on another. Shortly thereafter I was surprised with a nice soaking as the first goose crashed down inches from the transom of my sneakbox. Thankfully it didn't end up in the cockpit with me.

I had all three GoPros running and it's quite the sight.


Nice video. But gotta ask now that you posted that video, why did you shoot the last bird of the flock first?
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Snow as far as I can see in any direction I look that is at least 18" deep.

Thanks for sharing the video streams!!
[font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]Nice video. But gotta ask now that you posted that video, why did you shoot the last bird of the flock first? [/font]

It was really the only bird I had a clear shot at, they weren't exactly decoying, more of a passing shot. Just a funky angle.
Nice footage.

When I get to go field goose hunting in the layout blinds with my wife, I play tag. I try to shoot the bird that will drop the closest to her blind. It's all good fun until a big old resident goose is dropping in your blind.
That's pretty cool stuff there!

Any more that is the best part of the hunt, the pictures / video of the hunt!
[font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]But did you get the 2nd goose??? [/font]

I did not, I think I was just behind it and from analyzing the second camera angle I didn't have my head down all the way because of the weird angle. The barrel cam has actually been great to have as it lets me analyze how I miss and how to adjust.
Great footage, i had one bounce off the boat blind once had it hit me i'm sure there would have been complications. I missed the second bird also every one was yelling at me to duck.
Craig, now thats funny.... If you were posting a fishing video you'd be busted for spot burning, know the spot well. great video love the end.

Posting a hunting video would be far worse spot burning than fishing. The difference is there's no ducks there to burn.
Great video. You expression at the end is price less.

A little story on spot burning: every time we have a good day we tell people we went to otter cove. We have never hunted there and never see birds there when we scout. I wonder how many people have hunted there from our stories.

Never trust a duck hunter
There is a line from, I believe, The Belated Neighbor by Gordon MacQuarrie.... I paraphrase....

Mac, "....And what about those 10 partridge you mentioned that we didn't get?"

Mr. President, "All I was doing was lying like a gentleman."

It is my personal belief that, outside of law breaking, chicanery as an operating philosophy in hunting and fishing is acceptable gamesmanship!
The third camera is lending itself to some unflattering captures. This has been my favorite so far, the "I don't know how I missed that bird" face.


The wide angle lens also makes it look like I'm using a 40" barrel.

