Closing time

Andrew Schaefer

Active member
Well, another duck season has come and gone for me. Saturday, I went and hunted the same spot from Tuesday. The birds were still there and I easily got a limit of 5 mallards.

This morning, I went back to give it one last shot. Had birds in the dekes before shooting time, but they left. Had several groups give us an honest look, but wouldn't commit. I had my coworker and his son along with me this morning, and I really wanted to get the boy an opportunity with the ducks backpedaling in, so I didn't call the shot on close overhead passes and whatnot that I would ordinarily take. We did finally get one good opportunity, but it was not to be. I'm already looking forward to next year!
Good looking bunch of greenheads. Very nice way to end the season.
Well our last morning wasn't that exciting. Still nice drinking coffee by the pond as the sun rose though!

Another great hunt, Andrew! You're putting on a clinic! Craig, I'd be mad if you wouldn't let me have any coffee, too!

My last day ended on a decent note. Waterfowling in eastern NC is growing increasingly crowded. To make sure we got our spot, we left home at 1:00 am. Our logic was that it was, after all, the last day we could go for several months. We waited out 1 black duck and 2 drake wigeon. It wasn't fast and furious, but it sure beat sitting around the house.

I did find a beautiful pothole while attempting to jumpshoot a black duck that deferred to more tranquil waters. High-stepping my legs through the sharp marshgrass has my legs still feeling the burn!

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