bungees for grass rails for vegitation... put twice as many bungees as you think you need, cause thru time they break, rot, whatever. Get a ghille suit (no kidding) to wear in it... makes a lot of difference. Any camo pattern, paint or burlap, isn't close to natural vegatation, so grass it in good. always wear a face mask, and DO NOT MOVE. you have a limited range of vision not being able to turn your head, set up right and it wont matter. Be aware of your shillioute, and your shadow... your shadow is your #1 enemy it will give you away (it doubles the size of what your hiding). if possible set up so ducks wont be looking down on top of you, if you can be to the side when they are coming into your deeks, your so much better off. remember you can only swing one way laying down (left or right depending on how you shoot) and set up for it. Hard physical hunting sometimes, but its as close as you can get to a duck. Ive got fiberglass duck coffins similar to your pictures but closed in on top, and I cant tell you how many ducks Ive dropped that bounced off the nose of it.... i cant say it enough, DON'T move. most of the time fiberglass is shiny in places that have rubbed some, touch up with black spray paint (welfare camo stripes) for any of the shiny spots... mud is great to add when you get it where ya going. travis