
I am posting his for a buddy. I need any help/information that can be offered. I was very busy at work all day so i only have limited information but here it is....

my buddy went to a state launch on the shoreline of south eastern CT to do some waterfowl hunting, like all waterfowler hunters, we always get there early, well before sunrise and in the dark, have a ton of gear, loading boat with camo, jackets, vests, dekes, launching boat, etc. well he noticed a couple other vehicles in the lot while he launched the boat and drove ab 20 mins into his trip and then realized he left his blind bag. He immediately turned around and drove back to the launch but it was gone and so were the vehicles. He noticed a couple other vehicle theres but no one in them. If anyone HAS any information or can help. Please send me a message, he is devastated and has alot of attavhment/sentimental value to his calls and bands. I hope someone out there sees his license and infirmation and contacts him but we will see. Thanks for reading and if anyone can pass the message please do, thanks! Here what it was.... He left a hardcore blind bag with his lanyard which had a few calls, two zinks, bay country goose call, and bands. Couple boxes of ammo, his hunting license/stamp, and other misc. stuff.

REWARD FOR WHOEVER TURNS IT IN! Please contact me if you have any information.

thanks and have a good night!
I apparently mis read David Lersh's post..... He is ALSO seeking the blind bag for the guy who left it by mistake
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Thanks, ill keep everyone posted, yes Jim, i spoke with Dave as soon as i heard so he could reach out as well. Please spread the word!
buddy was just contacted this am on facebook, bag and 100% of its contents returned, thank god for honest people! Happy holidays!
Glad to hear the gear bag was found. It makes you feel good about your fellow man when honesty prevails. Thanks for sharing.
Amen. Love these stories. Wish more of this was reported more offen.

Mark W
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