Craig F

Looking forward to some of this videos this year! Hoping your getting plenty of footage!

Anyone else playing with the GoPros and editing?!
We had a good barrel burner this morning. Running four GoPros this year, two with custom lenses. Hopefully will continue to get some good footage :)




It doesn't satisfy the hunting video itch, but I spent the first split north zone tuna fishing on cape cod so I'm slightly behind my hunting quota this year.

Video from one of those trips:


Greenwings should make for fun video. Sometimes looking for stills is about as much fun as watching the whole video.
Which GoPros are you using now? The Hero Session looks interesting to me for my type of hunting.

I've been surprised at how useful the video can be. In the right light the wad and sometimes shot can be seen. I missed a rooster last week on the first shot and I knew I had mounted the gun badly. What was interesting is that I was way off thinking I knew where the shot went. Thought I shot well over it but instead I just barely missed low and in front. I've also learned that I talk too much to my dog...that is harder to stop then I thought it would be.

My humble October pheasant video. The Mozart is just in there to counter all the other hunting videos with crappy pop country. :)

Tim I'm still running the standard size cameras. The way I like to use them, mounted somewhere typically, lends itself well to using extended battery packs and the sessions aren't compatible with them. With extended battery packs on them I can hunt for six hours or so without worrying about changing a battery. I have two Hero3s and two Hero4s. One of the 3s has a 12mm lens on it, which is what you see on those teal screencaps. They were at about 10 yards. I'm still playing around with that setup to determine the best settings. All four cameras are connected to one wifi remote on my call lanyard so I just press one button to start/stop recording when birds are working.

Here's an idea of the lens difference. The teal above were at the lower right camera setting.



And I only play around with lenses, etc. for hunting video. Fishing stuff I leave everything stock. This sequence I have as a giant canvas print on a wall in my house and this is just screencaps from a Hero3.


Man, very cool picture of the feeding yellowfin. I could totally see that on the back of a t-shirt.

Would you mind to guide me in the right direction of the battery pack you use for your GoPro4?

My GoPro dies all the time within an hour or two and it gets very frustrating because time flys while hunting... It would be amazing to go 6 hours and not have to worry about it but I don't know much when it comes to GoPro extras and what is or isn't good quality... Does the extra battery pack fit inside the waterproof case or do it strap to the outside?

Would love to buy the same battery pack you use
Thanks for any help,
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Very cool tuna action.
Nice setup. I've wondered why GoPro or anyone else hasn't come out with some ways to get narrower field of views or to attach external lenses. Even the narrow setting on some cameras is still not that narrow. Looks like you are on to something.

Nick - If you have a Hero3 this is the best thing money can buy: LINK

Get it with the extended back doors and it fits fine in the waterproof case. Gets me somewhere around six hours of battery life. For the Hero4s they make an extended battery pack that lasts around four hours or so in my experience.
You the man Craig!
I appreciate it. I clicked on the link you posted but searched for a GoPro 4 battery pack made by the same company... Now just need to wait for it to deliver

Can't wait to stop changing batteries every other hour