Bill Abbate

Active member
Just went online to purchase ammo and it says that they can't ship to New York. What the hell is this world coming to ? Cuomo has to go. He is NO FRIEND to any SPORTSMEN. Despite, trying to weasel his way back into good graces by reducing the price of certain licenses pertaing to hunting and fishing. Hiliary Clinton is another one, if elected, will SCREW US. Sorry for the rant but I'm sick and tired of this !!
Bill - I got sick and tired, as soon as the Safe Act passed, and I read it......... and I've only lived here 3+ years. Damn shame, as western NY is a outdoorsman's paradise far as I'm concerned.
Just went online to purchase ammo and it says that they can't ship to New York. What the hell is this world coming to ? Cuomo has to go. He is NO FRIEND to any SPORTSMEN. Despite, trying to weasel his way back into good graces by reducing the price of certain licenses pertaing to hunting and fishing. Hiliary Clinton is another one, if elected, will SCREW US. Sorry for the rant but I'm sick and tired of this !!

this was a key point in the so called safe act- it went into affect some time ago - how is it a surprise now- they only postponed the ammo registry because they cannot figure out how to do the background check for it.

downstate will continue to elect democrats no matter what the rural areas think

I have my new "SAFE Act" approved New York State ammunition sellers license.
PM me with your phone number and I'll explain how it works.
Don't forget April 1st is a big anti-Cuomo / pro 2A rally at the state capitol. Try to make it and also make an appointment to speak with your representatives while your there to voice your concerns.
CUOMO has got to go!
My head is starting to hurt thinking about all the insane things this governor has done and continues to do.
He should have been removed from office the day after he signed the SAFE Act!
A message of necessity, passed in the middle of the night, no public hearings and a year later they still have not figured out how to manage the new laws. Way to go Andy!
If he ever worked in the private sector he would have been fired long ago.
Cuomo has to go! is an understatement. He has totally abused his power and will continue to do so. I just hope that this last stunt is the nail in his coffin that sinks his chances at a presidential run.
I was at a seminar last month where I was able to boo and heckle him in public. There was a brief Q&A session after his speech and when I went up to speak with him his security detail would not let me get closer than 10' from him. They surrounded me so I could not ask my question and forced my back to my seat while other that applauded him got to go right up front and meet the dick. I mean Governor. I felt dirty just being in the same room. I know he heard me along with his security detail. That was at least some satisfaction.
That sporting license fee reduction seems to be a farce. In 2012-2013 my sportsmen, turkey, trapping, and doe tags cost $88.00. In 2013-2014 my sportsmen, turkey, and trapping cost $78.00. No difference in cost other than the fact that I didn't purchase the $10 doe tags. I think they mainly reduced the cost of the non-resident licenses while trying to make Andy look good at the same time.
I don't see where they reduced the price for the non-resident unless you were buying big game.... I have spent $85 a year for my small game non-res license.... now I will get more, for $100 but I only want/need the small game... maybe I will go with my neighbor and chase a deer or turkey if I already have the tags? Was not part of my plan and would not be what I would buy given a choice.
Definitely behind closed door deal. And senators and assembly people were politically force to vote yes. Very upsetting, to think this is how we are represented in albany.
I am sure there were some rinos who voted for it. Look at obamacare the republicans who voted for it were afraid not to for fear of being labeled racist or obstructive,they voted for it without even reading it. Obama has illegally amended the so called affordable care act at least a dozen times trying to take the heat off the dems who are running for reelection this november. This years election is as important as the 2016 presidential election now is the time to start taking the country back.
one of the things they did was combined "Marks Law" in the same bill, if you shoot a first responder its an automatic jail time. A lot of them voted for it because they didnt want it to get out that they voted against Marks law. just more political BS.
I'm a volunteer fireman, something I do for my community. There is no difference between a first responder or anyone being shot. There is a mandatory sentence for using a gun now, but usually dropped by the lawyers for a plea. Lawyers don't like to go to court.
Time to clean up OUR country.
one of the things they did was combined "Marks Law" in the same bill, if you shoot a first responder its an automatic jail time. A lot of them voted for it because they didnt want it to get out that they voted against Marks law. just more political BS.

The firefighters are happy with it either
Have to agree. I think the star on the flag representing NY needs to be turned back in. I've been reading some crazy things that are going on and it seems less like a state of the US everyday. The nut already said people with certain beliefs are not wanted in NY any way. As a historian I would've loved to someday visit certain areas, but I'm one of those not welcome, sad state of affairs (no pun intended).
Make no mistake gentlemen. We will have to beat them on every level....County, State Assembly and the Senate. It is not just "Andy" who has to go it is the whole damn Socialist lot!