Cutting down transom?

Jay H

Active member
I just bought my boat for this year, its a 1970 steury v hull, will make an excellent duck boat but the only problem is they guy i bought it from told me it was a 15 inch transom. When my brother in law picked up the boat and got it home I discovered it was 20inches. I just got a short shaft 25 from my buddy . What can i do to make this work besides a extension kit for my motor. Would it be ok to cut down the transom?I also thought about a jackplate in reverse but i dont thing i would be able to tilt the engine up if I did that
I'm pretty sure it's been done, but not by me. What materials are you looking at on the transome? Maybe some pics will get some suggestions.

Yep, it can be done. Just have to be careful not to reduce the structural integrity of the transom. also, have to figure out how to make a new transom cap to fit.
It is an aluminum or fiberglass hull? WHat kind of shape is the wood in the transom in?
Post some pics, that way we can see what you are dealing with.
Build a splash well too. 15 inches is low in winter cold water. Easy to get it back overboard from a well, not so much from the bilge.

Thank you for all the input guys , I took the advice and cut doen the transom it turned out great.