Damn it's hot....

I just had a thought....about our youngsters in Iraq. Those young heros are walking around in heat that would bake a steak... with combat gear on...I feel like a real wuss.
I guy I know from Georgia is in Baghdad (sp?) and he says everyday it is mid 130s and usually very humid. I couldn't imagine and like you said they have all the gear on.
Amen Lee! If you think it's hot here, readjust the sun dress and think of the lads and gals hoofing it in the heat in the desert. God bless em!

I was going to whine about the heat because I was in DC traffic in a Big Truck and my AC went down.... Then thought about the guys fighting over in Iraq ,to keep the war over, there are 3 times as hot as we are.. Plus we are not getting shot.. The down side is I can't shoot ether... To be honest I would have love to shoot one of those combatants.... John
It got all the way up to EIGHTY-ONE defrees here today and the humidity was a whooping 27%! But, that's what you have to put-up with living here in the Pacific N/W. :^)

I guess I should have gotten a picture of it this morning Carl...........up on the quarry road I saw some fresh tracks in the road dust. All within a 2 foot wide stretch there were coyote tracks, greyfox tracks, bobcat tracks, bear tracks and mountain lion tracks all fresh from last night! CRAZY!

The guys crushing rock up at the quarry on tuesday had a bear run right through the quarry and down the mountain. They told me they also saw fresh mountain lion tracks in the quarry. I have a greyfox that comes onto the patio table every night to eat the meat scraps and plums I have been putting out for him. I'll have to set-up my trail cam and get a picture of him for you, he's a beauty. Bear season opened last saturday, but it's too warm to even think about shooting one now. Let me know if you need a sweater or a coat, hate to see ya catch a cold in that wether back there :^)

Parks,just shut the hell up!If you were living here,an angel would come and give you an ice bath:eek:)
Damn, you better break out the traps this fall! With all those critters running around, I wonder how in the world you have any turkeys?

Believe me, when it gets like this in Mobile, I think about moving back to Pennsylvania. At least up there the heat only lasts a month or so. Down here, summer is from May 1st to mid-October.
I remember being at Camp Shelby, MS in the summer for Annual Training when it was this hot. It was miserable in all that gear but no one was shooting at me or my guys.
You know I like this warm 81 degree weather, but today we will have some man made rain after a couple hours of drilling today. We are going to punch in another well. One of my hunting buddies Kevin Clouser brought his new drilling rig in yesterday and parked it up by the shop and the crew just pulled in a few minutes ago. Come on out and cool off.....the weather is lousy in S.C. today. Them Brit's of yours probably don't even want to go outside in that humid heat.
I once flew to Miami to get on a cruise ship headed for the Bahamas and I thought I would die it was so damn hot and humid. I think you have to be born down there to be able to cope with that weather. To me it is unbearable.

Speaking of turkey killers, I shot this little critter the onther evening down by the pond. There was two of them, but I only had a quick shot at this one. These weasels are one of the best natural killers that were ever designed and they raise hell with my quail too. It's not often that I get a shot at one, they are quick!

I checked the bear trail up behind the shop and the boys are starting to use it on their way down to the blackberry patches, photo's at eleven!

I've spent most of my life in the woods and worked as a biologist for years and have never seen a weasel. And you saw two at one time. Not fair!
Carl, he is afterall.....Dave Parks. Would you expect any less? We had a Ferret in our burn pile years ago..a kid we had working for us then made a live trap and caught it...it had to be an escapee...he thought it was just the nicest little thing and was petting it when it latched onto his finger and wouldn't let go. That little 1/2lb fuzzball was last seen flying south at a high rate of speed.
You do just about have to be born down here to stand it, Dave. After 8 years in the PAC NW, my first summer back in the South here in MS was BRUTAL. It's worth it though. I'll trade a few weeks of this heat to avoid another long depressing, sunless winter anytime (I know it's not quite as sunless where you are). My usual strategy is to retreat to the Smokies when I'm off in August, but I can't do that with duck camp construction underway, so I'll just suck it up I guess. It'll be 99 tomorrow and we're working in the sun. Come January though, after hunting we'll probably be kicked back on the back porch of that camp basking in sunny 60-70 degree weather.

It's hard to beat the southern duck seasons for being pretty comfortable. I never did heat too well and when it's combined with high humidity.......it just plain sucks.

I can remember as a kid the summers at the farm along the Neosho River mesr Iola, Kamsas. I'd go to bed with the windows open and the fireflies dancing outside and wake up an hour later covered in sweat. Only a fan blowing on you let you finally fall asleep......miserable damn heat. I don't like either, but I'll take dry desert heat over humidity anytime.

The work on the duck camp sounds neat. I have always wanted to be in a position to be part of a "on the marsh duck camp, but have yet to do it.

I usually take of for the high Cascades this time of year, but I have too many things going on here on the place to get away presently. I'll make up for it come the end of September when I head off to Montana for 6 weels.

Keep war, Ed and let me know if you need to borrow a sweater:^)

Weasels have more integrity than the politicoes, and thoes that love them ,in Mass.When I lived on the Cape,I didn't realize
that ,cause JFK was in his first year, and all my friends, outside the military, were either fishermen,hunters,sailors or bartenders.
I was not an astute political observer back then.Wish thoes days were back.Almost built a house on the Cape when I retired from the service.
Joe O
Carl,what a turn-around.There was a breeze early this morning,(unusual)and the forcast was calling fo winds between 10-2 to be 9mph.
They were right for a change,plus cloud cover and the temp not getting above 84deg.Had the best sail ever.White-caps and spray comming over the bow,very refreshing.
If they ever ban mechanical propulsion for duck hunters,I have the perfect boat in my Melonseed.
