Decoy bottom

I can't exactly quote gunning the atlantic tidewater but, from what i remember a CT decoy is flat bottomed and larger to ride better in rough water. To me the best decoy is a larger cork black with a low head. But i might be biased from Pete, haha.

I like pad weights for my puddlers. we have a pretty good tide here and if we loose all water they wont be tipped over plus the keels beat up the other decoys.
Flat bottoms ride better is heavy conditions, round bottoms are great for spread movement in calmer areas.......of course tell that to the old time barnegat bay guys who used round bottom stool in big open each his own......
Round bottom decoys stabilize faster when riding thru waves. The theory is that after being pulled underwater a round bottom decoy will upright faster before being pulled under again by the next wave.
flatties will ride rough water more like a duck rides, fore and aft--A round deke will roll left to right. I am guessing that in their heyday, the sheer numbers of the rounded-upper chesapeake style dekes, and the motion was the lure for the ducks.
Good morning, Patrick~

I gun over flat-bottomed birds - but I think round-bottoms ride mantels better.....


All the best,

Thats a beautiful decoy. I like the lines of it. It also looks to me that the bottom edge has a little radius to it, yet still flat.
I'm asking these questions because I may want to try and carve a decoy or two. I like the upper peake and delaware look, but not sure how they would ride in my conditions.
A wide round (oval shape) bottom, Decoy rides just as well if not better than a flat bottom. Do ducks have round oval low proflile body shape or flat? It's all about how well you displace the weight. Each area has their own style. To each their own.
Well stated, Mr. Sanford...very well stated!

Vince, the "task" of being a duck involves more than floating with stability on the water's surface like a decoy-they augment a lot of their "design" flaws associated with lacking flat bottoms via use of their feet. Decoys don't,fly, land, dive, swim, manuever among the flock,etc.;relying on their design mechanics to offset their lack of feet and float with minimum lateral rocking via use of a flat bottom/keel.

Its always the carver's call...
Flat bottoms may ride better, but personally I like the feel of a good formed, round bottom bird in hand. Like everyone else said its totally a preference thing and neither is right or wrong
Most of round bottom decoys rode waves for many many years, and tolled many thousands of ducks to their death. I'd say there are just as many flat bottom mantle birds as there are round, if not more.

I know what a duck does and what a decoy should. Hopefully the duck will fly close enough to the decoy for it to become dinner. It's more about the place you set them than what kind of decoy. As already stated both kinds, and even more scientific designs work.

I agree Craig, they are Cool.
Years ago we made a few round botton goldeneye decoys to see if wary goldeneyes would decoy to their own kind with more consistency.

The first test hunt revealed too much instability in rough water.

Instead of starting over I hammered out legs and feet out of lead and attached them to the bottom, mostly as a joke.
They actually rode really well as the rounded bottem added more displacement and the decoy floated too high to start with..

the "feet" were hung on eyelets so they folded out of the way but still tangled in the drop line.
but these were "special team "decoys and only used occasionally.
Patrick - I live in Wyoming County, 10 miles from Attica. If you should go to the Genesee County Park Nature Center (the first county park in NY, celebrating 100 years) I am honored to have a display of my decoys there. If you go there, let me know I'll meet you there.

Mr. Ligman - all the things that you say ducks do, Decoys have been carved to mimic. The Cobbs, Ira Hudson, etc. etc. etc. round bottom Flyers, especially Brant were in use on both coasts and ran on wires over the spread. I get your point and understand your reasoning, but round bottom decoys have been made to mimic the birds doing what they do since Lovelock Cave, and most likely prior to that.