Decoy broken neck


Active member
I have a nice decorative decoy that I dropped last night and broke its neck.
(No...wise was BEFORE I STARTED DRINKING.....:)

Wood looks like cedar.

I want to reattach the head with glue.

Any suggestions that will work well ,but not make an unsightly mess like
"gorilla glue".
Maybe Super Glue?
I have lots of little tubes of that stuff

I wouldn't use Gorilla Glue, as the air pockets do not allow for a smooth finish.

As you probably don't plan to repaint it, super glue or any glue or epoxy will do for a decorative shelf piece. If you do plan on touching up the paint, I would use Bondo, as this will sand to a fine finish that will not show the crack line.

Your last option is to sand the neck base down, touch up with paint, and call it a "feeder"! (hehe)
How about epoxy? I assume its a jagged break? Just mix a little up, spread it on, and place back together.
I've broken more of my decoys than I care to think about, and that is my usual fix.
Go to a model airplane hobby and pick up a medium thick, CyanoAcrylate.....super glue (Zap, Hot Stuff, Jet). Don't use the stuff from the grocery store. You can also pick up a small spray bottle of kicker. C/A is designed to adher in thin film and penetrates into the wood. That's also how I repair broken bills on birds. Bondo is not a good choice as you MUST have a thicker later for it to kick off and bond. Same with epoxy.

What about a good wood glue? I used "Titebond II" to quiet a creeky step, and it's worked wonderfully. My brother in law is very talented carpenter/woodworker and swears by the stuff. Maybe someone else has some advice to the contrary, it's just a thought... Good luck.
I have seen that Gorilla Glue is makeing CA glue now. I saw some at TSC. Anyone use it yet?