Deer ticks and Lymes

Thanks for all the replys. I have passed your concerns and advise on to my buddy................whether he follows any of it is likely problematic. He, as well as myself, have been pulling ticks off of ourselves all our lives. Granted 99% have been the common wood tick which is not nearly as much a concern as the Deer tick. Still, I have seen another friend who's lymes was in an advanced stage and he needed IV antibiotics daily for a month to get rid of it. Nasty business for sure.
The purchase of Sawyers is alot cheaper that the cost of medical treatments.Ed I do have to agree with the un-needed use of an antibiotic. I understand that the continued use of antibiotics results in the difficulty of the bodys system to fight off an infection. A stronger dosage is required,and get to a point that it becomes ineffective.I hope I stated that right . Ed I hope you can restate that if I'm wrong or make it more understandable
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We should all remember to treat our dogs as well. My new dog Annie arrived already testing postive for Lyme (2yrs old). After a month of antibotics she was fine. I had her vaccinated and still treat all 4 of them monthly. She came up from the Mohawk valley (central Ny) so the ticks & lyme will be an on going problem.

Otto has been vaccinated yearly for 10 years but even so he could get Lymes. Canine vaccinations are only about 80% effective. A buddy's lab got Lymes twice and was vaccinated every year just like Otto. All I'm saying is it might help but it's not 100%.
Yeah Steve I know you like to take medicine, but..... :) Actually just to make absolutely sure I had that right I went the the CDC's website. If you're in an endemic area, you actually see the tick (you never get to see the tick) and can beyond any reasonable doubt identify the tick as Ixodes sp., and it's been on for less than 48 hrs and there is a documented infection rate of the tick of 20% or greater in your area, then you can give one dose of Doxycycline 200mg p.o. In other words, essentially there should be no prophylaxis for the tick bite itself.


I completely agree with you on your comments. I still have my tick in a zip lock bag. Here in WI we have unfortunately lots of Lyme which may have tainted some of my commentary.

I have seen a lot of cases of advanced Lyme in the past, the sad ones to me are the little old ladies who only have a few flowers they tend and they got bit on the back, or legs and never saw it.
I never get to see Lyme anymore. I had one good case of Lyme arthritis when I was in California, and that was it for me because there's never been a case in Mississippi.
