Did you guys know....

this website is now 26 years old? Wow, hard to believe that much time has gone by. I think I will post the Duck Season Somewhere podcast I was a guest on in a sticky since it provides new members a little history on the site.

Happy birthday folks!
Thanks for reminding me I'm 25 years older than when I first showed up here. I do still remember sitting on the floor, in your son's (Andrew? if I remember correctly) bedroom, listening to him expound on the country's past presidents. Great memories.

I remember that trip very well. So much has changed since then. I spend a lot more time on private and most of the places I took you too are off my places to hunt list. Andrew on the other hand still loves politics. That will never change.
That's amazing Eric. I remember finding this site in about mid August that year and lurked for a few weeks before jumping in. To this day it's one of my most significant 'finds' on the internet.
In just a couple of months it will be 24 years ago that I started a job with the forest service. I remember showing this site and the cool boats to my supervisor. I've never been one of the "main guys" around here but I have been in and out a lot through the years and this is the best place on the internet. I'd sure like to see the traffic pick back up. I'm gonna try to be more frequent myself and I hope everyone else will as well.
Wow, happy birthday. I found this site by accident in like 2002. Met some super people because of this site. Hunted out of a airboat with a guy named John "Hitch" Hitchcock and met a girl hunter named Dani that I could hardly keep up with. Hunted with a guy that calls himself huntinDave and another named Dave "Shady" Larson Some of us came together to start an annual Midwest get together. Those were a hoot. Some of those that attended are no longer with us but are fondly remembered. You've done a fine job Eric keeping this place intact and still the best place for what we do on the net.
this website is now 26 years old? Wow, hard to believe that much time has gone by. I think I will post the Duck Season Somewhere podcast I was a guest on in a sticky since it provides new members a little history on the site.

Happy birthday folks!
Yes it's pretty amazing. I found it the year I got married, and decided to build a duckboat after I nearly died using a Canoe on the Delaware bay in January! The boat and the marriage remain intact!😂
Wow & what a platform this site has truly been for many of us! Eric, I can say way back in 2009 I remember Steve Sanford directing me to this platform as our local posting board was "Refuge Forum". I being a sophomore in High School just got a 14' SouthBay duck boat. I remember finding the owner on here and looking for photos on how the boat was hunted in season's past. That time I was just entering the filming world of the many waterfowl adventures. I was excited to share my images / hunt reports with all and it was & continues to be fulfilling to meet the many who share our passions. After many good years with that boat I posted it online here for sale in 2014, the same year I desperately searched for a 14' TDB Classic that I was lucky enough to find in the classifieds section from a long-time member Dick Sargent a fellow photographer who used the boat for that purpose. I made the trip up to Ipswich, MA in November 2014 and it began a new chapter and great friendship. Duckboats.net continues to be one of the finest and with you & the team's hardwork Eric I thank you for the memories and look forward to the future! Proud to support will be a member for a lifetime!
Wow...to quote Bob Seger...seems like yesterday.

I remember first getting on to the site and thinking how amazing and rare it was to find people from across the country who were so similar in their thoughts about hunting, boats, etc.

Dave Parks' adventures, Lee Harker's illustrations, Steve Sutton...being Steve Sutton, Bomber, George Williams' count of his SB's for the year, Brian Ballard, Bob Furia, Lou Tisch, Bill Perry, David Clark, Carl, Tod Osier...so much fun. Good topics and things that went sideways...it was like sitting in a virtual duck camp.

I've been really lucky to meet some great people because of this place. Thanks, Eric.