Do You Gambel?

Al Hansen

Well-known member
I was sitting in my patio chair taking pics of song sparrows when a pair of Gambel's quail walked by. Normally they are so skittish but not so with the male.



This hen would not leave the cover of the mesquite bush.











those are such amazing birds. where i live there are bobwhite quail. these quail are way more amaazing looking than the bobwhite.
Thanks for posting the pictures that is a beautiful little bird and I love he,s markings, I wish I could take photo,s like that.
Take care and God Bless
Its all about Building that Bond.
I'm glad that you liked that selection of pictures. They are sure one of the more beautiful game birds we have in North America. (MHO)
It is good to know that you have now included this North American specie of upland game bird in your memory bank! Thanks for the compliment.
Hey Matt,
NO----I never ever never ever think about shooting them. I guess because Bev and I feed them every day. They end up going over to my pigeon loft and eat the food that my birds kick out. We have a steady stream of birds that come here on a daily basis.
One day I went into the pigeon loft to feed my birds and discovered a young male Gambel's quail in with the them. He had walked into the loft via the landing board my birds use when I let them out to fly. Anyway, I caught him and then released the bird. Of course Chili was by my side when I let the bird go. From there I went back to the house (with Chili at my side) and went into the office to check emails. While sitting there I happen to notice Chili coming back with something in her mouth.


So I grabbed my camera and took that shot. She has such an incredibly soft mouth. I asked for the bird which she gave me, then released the quail for the second time. As "we" watched the bird fly away, I decided to take Chili into the house with me so this wouldn't keep happening all day long.
Life is Most Interesting!
It seems it's a whole different world from your patio from Wisconsin---thanks for sharing it!
wis boz
Hi Brent,
Some day I hope that I would be lucky enough to photograph one of your beautiful Bobwhite quail. Each is unique. I'm glad you liked the pictures.
There is no doubt in my mind that you can take pictures like this. I just happened to be lucky and sitting in the right spot at the right time. There markings are distinctive for sure.
Wis Boz,
It is a whole new world down here verses being in Wisconsin. I have always loved what the desert or arid lands have to offer and am more than thankful that I made the decision to move down here when I did in 1997.
Where else could I find something like this on my back patio, five feet from the kitchen door?





Poor Bev was letting her puppy out for a potty break when all of a sudden "All Hell" broke loose. As soon as I heard her screaming I knew it was a snake. Of course, she really had a "hissyfit" when she saw me running out with the camera instead of my shotgun. I normally will not kill snakes because all creatures have a spot in this world of ours, but this 4 footer was way too close.

I did not mean the birds you feed and watch per say but the "wild" ones... I used to raise chukars for dog training and always ended up keeping a few around just to watch.

That quail was lucky that Chili has a soft dog would have made lunch out of it, he is half lab and half border collie, a mut...good dog but not the best for hunting. I was given him when he was 2, well behaved just thinks that every other bird is his to eat.

The snake - around this part of northern Utah most rattlesnakes are less than 3 feet and are only found in select areas. Some of the best areas to find them is in the riparian zone along the streams that flow through rocky canyons with dry hillsides. They seem to like that interface between dry hillside and the riparian zone.
