Dog Ladder


Staff member
After Coco woke my wife up barking at 5:30am for the second saturday in a row (while i was gone duck hunting), I've been told that Coco will be going hunting with me whether or not Coco is full ready to go.
I think Coco will do fine, she is really doing well with fetching dead birds. Need more work on hand signal but she kinda gets it. She has no fear of loud noises.
Big issue is that I need to prep the boat. I put in two tie down spots yesterday as well as a platform between the stern seat and transom.
Now I need to come up with a dog ladder quick. I'm thinking home-made and/or stopping by some boat shops to see if they have some old used swim platforms laying around.
Any ideas on a quick home-made dog ladder? I can cut & solder pipe but have no welding experience. There is a shop nearby that could help me out if I need it thought.
I believe Shermie posted some pictures of a dog ramp he made using a old chair. You know the kind made with metal legs. He bent the back to hook onto the boat and cut the back legs shorter and bent them towards the boat. The seat acted as the platform. The front legs, the lower third could be bent forward and a board put a across for a step. You have a little work to do to train the dog to use the platform. I would think the first few times it is more about training the dog then hunting ducks, which is alright because it will pay dividends in the future.
I made this for my boat out of the square tubing from some old BBQ grills. It already had the 90 degree bends. I just cut and bolted it together to fit the boat. The platform hinges so I can lift the lower section up out of the water. The decking is from an old street sign.


Two pieces of ply wood with cross cleats for traction and a set of lines to get the angle right for the hinges in the middle. Maybe a block or two pipes at the bottom of the first board to hold that part out at the bottom like the picture. Lash the top to the hull or a cleat with line.

I did a very simple ladder using square tubing, some cable and some wood slats. Sorry I didn't post any pics, but if you go to, click on "Photo Gallery" at the top and then scroll down and click on "1960 Larson Duckboat Project". It was very simple and realtively cheap to build. Every boat is different so you will need to customize it to fit your needs. Good luck!

We made a simple yet functional one for the new supershady V bow. I made
this of 3/4" heavy wall alum tube bent the sides then had cross braces welded in.

On the boat 2 pcs of 1.5" alum angle and 2 shoulder bolts make the hinge. 4 eye bolts
2 on the boat and 2 on the ladder/platform then 2 chains for the support. folds
up fast out of the way and works like a charm for the Vbottom boat.

Hands free doggie

Hello their fellow maritimer i live in westfield ,nb .Just outside saint john but work in the city. Theirs a web site gator boats that have a nice god ladder. no plans but you will see how its made .
I really like the basic step / dog platform that Phil has on the back of his boat. You can see it in the "first build discussion" thread.
Carl, it hasn't been said, so I will... Do you really need a ladder? A lot of work and a pain to drag around for something you really don't need. Only dog I'd consider one for is an old or fat one, of which Coco is neither.
That is a good question, do I really need it?
My boat is pretty high sided, so I kinda figured it would be easier.
Plus if I mount it on the stern, it will be a lot easier for me to get in & out as well. :)

How do most guys who are hunting 1-2' deep water in high sided boat handle getting the pup back in the boat???
That is a good question, do I really need it?
My boat is pretty high sided, so I kinda figured it would be easier.
Plus if I mount it on the stern, it will be a lot easier for me to get in & out as well. :)

How do most guys who are hunting 1-2' deep water in high sided boat handle getting the pup back in the boat???

No problem getting the dog in and out of ther boat over the stern, you both just need to learn. From what I've seen with my dogs they usually learn in one try. Bring the dog to the stern, grab collar have dog put feet in gunwale. The motion you need is almost like you would try to smash the dogs head into the gunwale, but not quite. The dog just pops int othe boat. You don't need to grab the collar you can do it with teh hand behind the head and pull/push, you are trying to just give the dog leverage to lever itself into the boat. If you are pulling the dog into the boat with the collar you are doing it wrong. I use the collar because in current and with the boat moving you need it to steady the dog/boat combo.
As Tod, said it is hard to describe.... but as long as you can safely reach the scruff, you can get her in the boat. I lift the head and pull toward the boat so that the pup can get front paws over the gunnel, now you pull toward yourself and push down giving the leverage/opposition the pup needs to pull with the front legs and push with the rear. I think the vests with the handles might make it easier, though only in deep water as I would worry about the hole catching a stick in shallow water. I never used the collar as a hand hold but my dogs always had enough scruff to get a hand full off. A short hair/tight skinned dog might be more difficult?

A couple tries and they figure it out quick. Some folks need a dog ladder for the dog to enter the water as they are not confident enough to launch from the boat.... if you have this issue, DON'T SHOVE them in the water, it just makes it worse.... wait until warm weather and work on it in shallow water until she gains confidence and desire.
