I have a "pointing" lab, but use him almost exclusively for waterfowling and previously hunt testing. I put very little time in training for pointer qualities, but we still managed to take first place in a NAGDA ametuer pointing event (against 2 pointing breeds). Those events only require holding a point for a few seconds. Had him pheasant hunting in ND shortly after, but he didn't point the pheasant. he had too little training for pheasant. He ran big in ND.
I don't know if it's true to all the pointing labs, but mine runs big. If you get one that runs big and you can't train him to hold a point long, he won't be a very good bird dog. I'd also be concerned about hunting quail with a big-running lab simply because of the heat. (I assume you're down south somewhere where you're hunting in the heat.) I think a pointer can take the heat better than a lab. However, i think a lab would do fine in the heat if it was a close hunting dog like flushers. I'm no expert, just my opinion here.
He does great as a retriever and is an AKC-SH, UKC-HRCH and UH. He's extremely focused on birds when we duck hunt, but gets antsey if no birds are flying. I don't know if that's cause he's a pointing lab or not. He's my first. I think my next dog will be a regular flushing lab simply because i don't do much upland hunting at all and if i do, i want a close hunting dog for grousel hunting.