dog soap???

chris k

Active member
just curious as to what you guys use on your dogs when you give them a bath. my father always used dawn??? the one i used i think its called prosence baby powder scented but my wife says it smells like wet dog? go figure hahaha. just wondering what others use.
I use Dawn. It works well on my setter that likes it roll in the dirt and it is what they use to clean the oil off of birds after oils spills.
I own Chessies so they have never had a bath. If I had to wash them I think I would use dawn as well but my concern would be removing the natural oils from the coat.
I have also used Dawn but I don't use it on my dog during hunting season. Just a fresh water wash if needed. Like Brandon said, you don't wan to remove their natural oils especially if they are going to be retrieving in cold water.
I would think dawn would remove too much of the natural oils in their coat and dry out their skin. I never bathe my dog but he does swim in fresh water everyday if that counts. I just give a hose down with fresh water only if he needs to be washed of something.
We usually use Mane and Tail. I don't bathe my dogs often, usually 2-3 times a year. But, they do get a bath when they stink. That includes chessies too!

I didn't mean to insinuate that Chessies don't get filthy just that washing off the oils can be hard on them. I am lucky mine swim daily in fresh water so keeping them clean is easy three seasons out of the year.
The hose ....

And if it's that bad Murphy's oil soap(like once every 6 years)
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