Dog Training Tips

Hello everyone this is my first post on here...I have a lab who just turned one year old. I have been working with him since he has been 4 months old....does anyone have any dog training tips that could help him become a great hunter that they would like to share

Thank you...
Hey Don.

Pm me your email address and I'll send you a bunch of articles I wrote on some dog training tips.

Dave B
IMHO it takes a lot more than "training tips" to make a great hunting dog.

What level of performance are you looking for? How close is the dog to reaching your expectations?

Given the vague nature of the question, the only tips I can think of are as follows:
Be a leader. The dog is an employee, not a child.
Don't repeat commands. If the dog doesn't understand, show him. If he understands, demand compliance the first time.
birds birds birds birds birds birds birds birds. It takes ducks to make a duck dog. dummies only get a dog so far.
Couple of good books and dvds are:

smart work retriever training series

10 minute retriever

Fowldogs dvd's are good

also I like Dave Dikeman command performance it is basic obedience bumped up a bit, its really hard to watch but he has a good plan and after watching it I understood how a dog thinks and learns better


spend a little time every day and you will have the Dog of your dreams!
Hello everyone this is my first post on here...I have a lab who just turned one year old. I have been working with him since he has been 4 months old....does anyone have any dog training tips that could help him become a great hunter that they would like to share

Thank you...

Hi Don,
I also belong to a great dog training forum called RTF, retriever training forum. I would go post over there. They are to dog training what we are to duck boats and duck hunting.
