Donation Page not Working

Need more info. Details please!

We switched to a new system yesterday because the old one was broken and no longer supported. I can't test the new system because PayPal doesn't allow someone to pay themselves and obviously I'm the account holder. So I need someone here to give me detailed feedback when things aren't working to assess the root cause. Thank you.
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That looks like a problem on PayPal's side but I can't tell for sure. I can see in the admin panel that donations were attempted by you and another. There just isn't enough info in that message to tell me what the problem is. I'll forward it to the developer and see what they think.
I just tried to donate, too, using credit card. I received the code thru my phone and when I entered it onto the webpage, it took me back to the donate page. I am not certain the donation went through.
Eric, I would almost prefer paying by check since PayPal is not firearm friendly. Is a mailing address provided if you choose that option? Richard
I need Guinea pigs. Please try to donate now to test some configuration changes I've made in an effort to get things working.
I can't find the donate button anymore. I primarily use my android phone, and seem to recall it was in the top left drop-down below members, but it is not. Any android users here that can point me to it?