Duck boat hit by a vandal


Well-known member
I discovered yesterday that over the weekend, on Sunday, that my outboard on my TDB had a hammer taken to the powerhead and now it's toast. I have a good idea who did it, and the police are involved. I know that I'll never receive restitution and I can't buy a motor this year, so I'm a landlubber.

Despite this, I have lots of great news in my life, I'm getting married again to a wonderful woman, Stacey. She likes sapphires and this is her ring

And two and a half weeks ago, I became a grandfather via her son. This is Claire

Well, looks like you got lemons and lemonade in the same week. Focus on the good stuff!

And check your insurance, never know they might cover it.
That sucks! I am so sorry to see that. I admire your perspective and being able to see the good things happening in your life rather than focusing on the bad. I do hope that the police are able to help you and that your can get some sort of resolution.
Man, how I hate and despise vandals. Been hit 4 times at our house, twice we caught the little angels (read bastards).

If you have an idea of who did it, do you have any idea on why? Besides involving the police, if you do have an idea on the culprit, make sure that you let common friends know your suspicions and then you and them monitor their electronic footprints of emails and web postings. Many time these folks can't keep quiet and spill the beans to someone somewhere. This is how we caught one of the vandals at our house.

Congrats on the upcoming marriage and new grandson.

Mark W
I am so sorry-very sad behavior! Pretty targeted vandalism. I hope the catch the perperator!

Why would your homeower's policy not cover this?
Jim, your homeowners insurance should cover the repairs, sorry to hear if your troubles, but congratulations at the same time. What is the damaged power head?
is this a Jealous Duck hunter who commited this heinous crime?
........ If this happened at you house I would be home owners would cover it.
Motor is a '99 Mariner ML25. I'm sure the repairs, if it could ever be repaired, are worth double what the motor is worth and there is a $750 deductible on the homeowner's policy. The throttle and shift linkages are all busted, the starter solenoid is smashed, the wiring all tore apart. A mechanic wouldn't know where to start and probably would need another same motor next to this one to see what the assembly is supposed to look like. It's a total loss.
Jim I have a 15 hp tiller and a 35 hp that could have a tiller with little to no effort that you are welcome to borrow until you get this straightened out. Also you might want to contact your county prosecutors office or the PD and see what if anything victim's assistance can do.
Sorry for your loss Jim. We could start a pool to donate some funds to get him going this season if anyone else is interested??

I will put in $100.

Todd, Thank you for the generous offer, but I didn't come to DHBP for charity, just to vent my frustrations to my online friends of 16 years. I've received a few private messages as well. Thank you all for the support. I have put word out in my local circle that if they have an open seat on a given Saturday to let me know (no Sunday hunting in CT). If I can't duck hunt, I can bow hunt, muzzleloader hunt, rifle/shotgun hunt, for those smelly deer instead.

What the hell goes on in the brain of inbred pinheads to make them do something like that? But congrats on your engagement!
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