Duck popper recipe?

D. Moreau

Active member
in talk of the recipe sticky I remembered a meal i had at my sportsmans club - duck poppers (duck, bacon, spicy pepper, hot sauce, cream cheese)

Wondered if any of you guys had an "exact" recipe for it or just throw the ingrediants in a sliced breast?
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Fillet duck breast open, put a dab of cream cheese and jalepeno peper in center, roll up, wrap in bacon, grill.
how long do you grill them for? ive never cooked duck before (im 14) so this will be my first time
From my friend Jeff Smith in San Antonio, TX.

Cut mallard breast across the grain into 5 pieces.

Get pickled jalapenos that are cut long ways.

Take a slab of bacon and cut in half.

Take a block of pepper jack cheese and cut into small rectangular cubes.

Wrap duck with bacon and cheese inside pepper onto duck. Place on skewer. Place 4 - 5 pieces per skewer and put in tupperware container and cover with Allegro Marinade. Allow to sit for a day.

I try to do my poppers on the hot smoker with hickory, just until the bacon is crisp. You'll make yourself sick eating these......

Did a version of these for Christmas this year with small roasted red peppers, stuffed with a mix of cream cheese, cheddar and Sriracha (a hot garlic/pepper sauce used a lot in Asian cooking), then wrapped with a piece of duck filet, then bacon, skewered and grilled.

First batch was teal and wood duck and awesome. Next batch was buffie and goldeneye breasts, and I warned folks they might be a little fishy. My young nephew piped up: "No way man. Anything stuffed with cheese and wrapped with bacon will taste good."

He was right. Gotta try him on this recipe with merganser next year . . . . .
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Duck poppers....Oh my....That never occurred to me. I'm, going to have to try that one.

The idea of a section on recipes is starting to sound mighty good....

I do mine a little different, I buy long hot peppers. calobella?
at the supermarket.
split them length wise one side only and gently open the pepper up, remove the seeds. then put a slice of duck inside and cheddar cheese, cream cheese.

close the pepper and then wrap the pepper with a slice of bacon and pin it closed with a toothpick

grill them until done. we get rid of a lot of ducks over the summer cooking them like this
When palcing on the grill, I have found that putting a piece of aluminum foil on the grate and then grilling the duck on top of the foil helps quite a bit. Aluminum foil traps the bacon grease and allows the duck to cook in it. It also prevents flare ups from ruining the duck. Just a thought.

Mark W
When palcing on the grill, I have found that putting a piece of aluminum foil on the grate and then grilling the duck on top of the foil helps quite a bit. Aluminum foil traps the bacon grease and allows the duck to cook in it. It also prevents flare ups from ruining the duck. Just a thought.

Mark W

I have one of those infra red panels in the top of my grill.
I turn that on and set the burners on low. cooks them from both sides and I don't have to turn them. I have to do some this weekend now.
this thread is making me hungry
From my friend Jeff Smith in San Antonio, TX.

Cut mallard breast across the grain into 5 pieces.

Get pickled jalapenos that are cut long ways.

Take a slab of bacon and cut in half.

Take a block of pepper jack cheese and cut into small rectangular cubes.

Wrap duck with bacon and cheese inside pepper onto duck. Place on skewer. Place 4 - 5 pieces per skewer and put in tupperware container and cover with Allegro Marinade. Allow to sit for a day.

I try to do my poppers on the hot smoker with hickory, just until the bacon is crisp. You'll make yourself sick eating these......


Hey Steve -

Could you clarify a little? I've done the Hitch Bites (and they were great) and I'm going to try somethign different for the Super Bowl. Couple of questions. Is the duck wrapped in bacon and cheese and placed inside a pepper and then skewered - this is how I read it. And, on the Allegro marinade - do you have a favorite one to use as there are a few to choose from.

Thanks -

Hat's off for your initiative,.
Learning to cook what you harvest (fish or game) is a skill that will serve you well for the rest of your life.
Dont be afraid to experiment, just dont scorch your Mom's best cookware in the process!!!
Dont be afraid to experiment, just dont scorch your Mom's best cookware in the process!!!
Hehe if that happened i wouldnt be alive to tell the story.... its a good thing i hav my cuz to help me if needed!
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