With the generosity you folks have shown we are once again in the black and should be for a while.
Over the past few months I've been using Google to search out information on the Toyota Pickup I'm restoring. The best source of info I've found are forums where people share their knowledge and experience and provide pictures and write-up for repairs, restorations, and modifications. However, I frequently hit a VERY ANNOYING snag. That being my browser hangs and even crashes while choking down ads that clutter the page. The ads are automatically embedded in pictures and elsewhere and use technology that pushes ads based upon your browser's history. Those ad generators must be bandwidth and CPU hogs because they make my browsing experience horrible with frequent browser stalls, crashes, and restarts.
Then I come home and see this place is ad free, downloads pretty damn fast, and doesn't crash my browsing session. I wish more forum owners hadn't been lured by promises of revenues in exchange for bombarding readers because the internet would be a more enjoyable place to visit. I see the same trend happening on social media. Instagram is now increasing ads and YouTube BOMBARDS you with them before, during, and after videos. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. I want a place that doesn't FORCE FEED me, like this forum
Wouldn't it be nice if there were more places like duckboats.net, where your browsing isn't interrupted or halted in order try and sell you something you didn't come looking for?
I can't control the rest of the www, but with your financial support we will continue to have this nice little place where businesses can't hassle us with ads.
Thank you!