Guest Appearance and Site History on Duck Season Somewhere Podcast

Eric Patterson

Staff member
Posted a few hours ago is episode 454 of the Duck Season Somewhere podcast where Ramsey Russell had me as a guest to talk about history, this community, share some stories, and talk about hunting before and after the internet and social media.

The link below takes you to this episode and I hope you'll give it a listen. Moreso I hope you'll listen to other episodes. Ramsey has a special talent for communicating waterfowler experiences and it was an honor to be asked to be a guest. I view him as an ambassador of the sport we love and the work he is doing is important work for all of us.

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Once again this web site has driven me to consider something I have never ever done before in my life. Specifically, listen to a podcast. Don't laugh, first order of business will be to research just what a podcast is and how to access it. Damn, Eric, way to make a guy feel old. Thanks,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, not! :sneaky:

The link takes you to a website where you can listen from the comfort of your desktop. You don't have to load an app or search for it. Just click play. I think you will enjoy it. Anyone who has been a part of this community will appreciate what Ramsey had to say about us and the discussion we had. It was a thrill to be a part of the show and I think he did us a major service with the exposure. Since you never listened to podcasts I'd recommend listen to Ramsey's show. He has really interesting guests and much of it is very informative in addition to entertaining. Well worth the listening time.
Posted a few hours ago is episode 454 of the Duck Season Somewhere podcast where Ramsey Russell had me as a guest to talk about history, this community, share some store of mine, and talk about hunting before and after the internet and social media.

The link below takes you to this episode and I hope you'll give it a listen. Moreso I hope you'll listen to other episodes. Ramsey has a special talent for communicating waterfowler experiences and it was an honor to be asked to be a guest. I view him as an ambassador of the sport we love and the work he is doing is important work for all of us.

Very cool. I'll give it a listen.

I did one for the Delta show last summer; Pat Gregory and I talked with the host about decoy carving, hunting over them, etc. It's a lot of fun, truthfully - way more fun than work!

I listened to your podcast on my way to an auction this fall. You and Pat did a great job. Quite enjoyable decoy carving discussion. You guys sounded like old pros at it. I was a tad bit nervous!


Thanks. You're an old pro at these things and I hope you keep doing them. Your guest appearances are always informative to those of us who like a little more insight into federal management of waterfowl.
Thanks Tim. Glad you enjoyed it. You were here in the early days so I imagine that part of the discussion resonated.
The origin story was interesting.
I felt like a newcomer for the first 5 years since I had never been on any of the forums everyone referenced back then.
I found this place in March of 99. I know that because I was looking for snow goose reports on the www and we had just got dumped on by a late blizzard.

For several months I couldn't figure out why that one old guy from CA was so grumpy. Everything bothered him, classic get off my lawn guy. Turned out that was Paul Gery (duckguru) and he's younger than me. 🤣 He's still grumpy.
Once again this web site has driven me to consider something I have never ever done before in my life. Specifically, listen to a podcast. Don't laugh, first order of business will be to research just what a podcast is and how to access it. Damn, Eric, way to make a guy feel old. Thanks,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, not! :sneaky:

Dave don't feel bad.....I know what a podcast is so I am slightly ahead of you but I have never listened to one or figured out how to make it work on my phone. I'll have to see if I can listen to this one here at work or if it will be blocked.
Listened to it today. Very nice episode, Eric. Ramsey's show is pretty cool. I listen to it frequently. He's done sitdowns with some NJ folks to. Nice to listen to another familiar face at the table.

I agree, Ramsey does have a really cool show. One of the things he does so well is bringing his observations as a waterfowler to the conversation and making the discussion relatable to anyone who duck hunts. He really picked up on the finer points of the duckboats community and made them clear to the listener while adding insights from many different places and experiences. Not many people have verbal skills like that. I find him quite an impressive individual.
That was a great interview/ podcast. In a few generations, people will look back at this and be in awe of how things transpired.

In fact, even now, it is an amazing thing about how this place came to be.

I remember long back when I mentioned I was carving up something, I got plans mailed to me (fedex'd) without ever even asking for them from one of the past great masters that was on this site. I was astounded.

That has been my experience in this online forum... Astounding.

Listened to the episode yesterday while at work. I listen to Ramseys podcast frequently and it’s always both entertaining and informative. Your episode was no different. You did a great job explaining how and why you did all the things you did to make this community what it is today.

I am very curious if the spotlight from ramseys show has increased site traffic at all or gotten a boost in new registrations?

I just checked and since the show aired we have had seventeen new members. That's a lot more than a typical week. Interestingly, I saw a jump on Instagram followers too. Especially after Ira McCauley shared the podcast in a story. I bet I got 50 followers in a few hours after he posted. By the way, Ira posted a very nice thanks to for supporting MoMarsh in its early days. I thought it was a classy gesture.

By the way, the Instagram account is primarily a means to spread the word about this site. Most under 30 hunters never consider anything but social media (FB, IG, Tik Tok) for viewing waterfowl related content and aren't familiar with old school forums. I try and reach a new audience with it. An uphill battle because the younger generation isn't really into making their own boats, decoys, gear, etc. and when they are mostly blow in and out of Facebook groups as the urge drops. If we could only find more young guys like Anthony Babich who I think is so far ahead of most young waterfowlers because he looks at the past and brings many successful ideas from it forward to present day.
The one point that both you and Ramsey eloquently conveyed was how much information is available on forums like this by using the search functions vs. the black hole of other types of social media. If I'm researching something DIY most of the best information comes from forums, then probably YouTube after that. It's invaluable.