Sporting Clays Outing - SW Michigan or N Indiana

DHBP? Not sure what it stands for but if there is clays involved I would jump at the chance to grind some clays while putting some faces to the names I see on this site. Keep me posted on this.
Dave Ludington

This forum has been refered to as the DHBP pretty much from the start I think. It stands for the Duck Hunters Boat Page.


I modified the title to reflect the more modern title of "The Page" as I like to call it. We got some feelers out to ranges around the area, as I mentioned I don't mind driving a little if it will draw in some more guys, but I don't want to slight the locals who I started this idea with either.

Chuck I'd be up for this event. If you are looking for somewhere in Northern Indiana there is a place called The Back Forty in Bourbon, IN. I've shot there a number of times. Also Kankakee Gun Club, shot a polar shoot over there a few years back. If interested let me know I'll get you their contact info. Isn't there a place around Niles, MI called Deer Creek?? Anyway I'd be interested in event so put me down

Back Forty is one of the places I'm looking into, Mark Rongers recomended it. I was also looking at info on Deer Creek, but hadn't heard any recomendations thus far. Keep an eye on this thread, I'll post updates when I have more info.

I'll be more than happy to attend if it's in either Kalamazoo or Grand Rapids area. The better place to do it in the Kalamazoo area is the club on Osterhout in Portage, Lakes area Conservation Club but they only have sporting clays one Saturday a month. I'm not for sure of the name of it but there is a Sporting Clays course somewhere between Gun Lake and Southern GR that I shot at a long time ago that was a pretty nice course.

Rich is looking into (I believe) that club in Portage, but has had trouble getting through. Are you thinking of Gun River Skeet and Trap in Plainwell for the other one?


Sorry to let this fall by the wayside the last couple months. I'd still like to see something get going. I've got info on a couple ranges up here in the GR area, as well as Back Forty that Mark Rongers recommended in Bourbon IN. Rich was trying to get some info on a range or two around Kalamazoo, but apparently Jeff "keep him off the Internet for the common good" Vanderveen has changed his number and gone through great lengths to keep it from Rich...can't say that I blame him...

If Ludington was going up, depending on availability, I'd think about making the trek. We might have others who like to shoot...

Decided on a date yet?
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and a thing they call a wobbler?

If that is what I'm thinking it is, our local club has one of those too. I've never really figured out why we have one. I personally have no trouble wobbling on my own.

Chuck, I would love to do this both to shoot and to meet some of the folks from the page in person. I just had hip replacement this week, but am hoping to be able to return to shooting in a month or so and would be willing to drive to Indiana or up to GR as I am about in the middle here in Marshall. I will keep checking back for info. Ron
It's getting to a busy time of year but if I'm available I'll come.

Aren't you retired?

I had some complaints about March suggesting a later date. I'm thinking May at this point, obviously not on the holiday (last) weekend.

Haven't you heard? Retirees never have enough time for everything they want to do, that they couldn't do while working because,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
wait for it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, they never had the time then either.
Well, yes, I am retired but that just means I have a lot of TO-DO stuff on my plate. The way it looks I 'might' have time the second weekend in May if I give up a day of spring Turkey hunting. The rest of May (and most of June) is booked already. The problem is that I can't do everything with the people I want to do it with during the week because they aren't all retired yet. It's not just about me, don't-cha-know. As I said, pick a day and if I can I will, if I can't I'll make the next one.
No sweat Pete, I know some retirees that are "busy" all the time, but I look at what they actually do and "busy" is relative. Glad you're living it me something to look forward to at the beginning of a 70+ hour work week. Unfortunately the 11th is Mother's wife probably wouldn't be all that worked up over it, but some guys might have more difficulty taking off to go "shoot things with the guys." The 25th is Memorial day weekend. What are people's thoughts on the 4th or the 18th? Post up or PM me. Right now the range that I have the most info on, and seems to fit our needs the best is Back 40 in Bourbon IN.

Thought anyone?

Didn't realize the 11th was Mom's Day. Guess I'll have to shoot the mother-of-all-turkeys that day.

Yep, "busy" is relative for sure. I'm no where near as busy as I was when I was working but don't want to be either. These days I'm busy planning trips, getting my boat ready for the lake, steelhead fishing, puttering in the yard, finalizing my thoughts on a redesigned pole boat that I want to build, etc. Busy enough.

If anyone ever wants to come to this area of southern Wisconsin to shoot this summer, there are 3 or 4 sporting clays clubs within 25 miles of me including one five star range. Just let me know.
Yep, "busy" is relative for sure. I'm no where near as busy as I was when I was working but don't want to be either. These days I'm busy planning trips, getting my boat ready for the lake, steelhead fishing, puttering in the yard, finalizing my thoughts on a redesigned pole boat that I want to build, etc. Busy enough.

I've officially stopped feeling sorry for you