anthony m coons sr
Well-known member
Well Sunday September 1, is the start of early goose season here in NY State. I love it because you can go hunting with shorts and know boots. I Got some of my best sun burns hunting early goose season. Yet I still go and enjoy myself. I hunt mostly evenings because I love see them fly into the decoys. I only keep three shells in my gun. I also only take a few birds if I can. I'm not a fan of shooting 15 or what ever birds the limit allows. But I will get what I get and go grill them asap. I have had some pretty great days . Both in the field and on the water hunting them. Some say they are so easy to get . Not true at all if you don't hunt a golf course. Its hunting! and its beats sitting in the house watching tv. The regular goose season limits here have been cut and the limits dropped. But I'll still go then too and have fun doing it. Been trying hard this year to get more kids into waterfowl. In order to keep are thing alive! that is just as important as saving the wetlands. So take a kid out early goose season or teal where ever you are. Let them think its always warm and easy when you go duck hunting. Maybe we can hook them that way. View attachment dad.jpg