Early split is here, but duck season is still a way off

MLBob Furia

Well-known member
It's the week of what amounts to a "first-split" for us. The DNR probably would be better tacking it on at the end of the season, altough I do remember one October 20th where we had a heavy snowfall. Took off for what amounted to a "shakedown cruise" yesterday. I believe the temperature hit the low 70's by afternoon. However, the boat, motor, trailer, etc., etc, all seem to be in fine working order, decoy practice went well, and it appears I remembered all the maintenance stuff I needed to do to be ready for another year. I did have the foresight to throw a pair of cut-offs and a pair of 'Chucks' in the boat. At any rate, the fall colors were spectacular; and I decided that in addition to being set out in the corn-stubble rig during the coming season, the pickleweed sack needs to have a permanent space in the boat.

Here are some of the decoys I "shot":

View attachment Early Ohio 009 (600 x 399).jpg

View attachment Early Ohio 017 (600 x 403).jpg

View attachment Early Ohio 027 (600 x 363).jpg

View attachment Early Ohio 028 (600 x 372).jpg

View attachment Early Ohio 029 (600 x 289).jpg
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Aren't these temps ridiculous!? 73 they are calling for here today.

Absolutely love the last 2 pictures. I can think of a few places in WI where wood ducks of that nature would come in handy.
I dont think your decoys look real enough Bob......maybe try G&H and you might have better luck.
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All of the weather patterns seem to be ridiculous. We are slated for 83F today. It's about 12 to 15 degrees above normal. Bob, sure like those gorgeous decoys. Have fun out there. I don't get much of a chance to see that many leaves in the water down here. I said the magic word---Water!

Looks good. Unreal temps - 77 up here today! The wood ducks are in very good numbers up here. I thought they may be thin do to the drought and the light acorns.

Good luck!


Looks good. Unreal temps - 77 up here today! The wood ducks are in very good numbers up here. I thought they may be thin do to the drought and the light acorns.

Good luck!


Light acorns Ryan ? Wow the lease in Waverly OH has more acorns than Ive ever seen.
Have a good season!
"Holy cow! Did you see all those Mallards behind that one log?"

Sometimes I wonder where they all go when I head into the marsh.

Great pictures Bob...
Your decoys look better in the water than on land. The shot of the pickleweed decoys looks like a "shooting galary" :). All, the next thing to real.
wis boz
The decoys are looking good.

At least the temperatures will change for the better......soon. This weekend will be "more normal" in nothern Illinois.

Looks good. Unreal temps - 77 up here today! The wood ducks are in very good numbers up here. I thought they may be thin do to the drought and the light acorns.

Good luck!


Light acorns Ryan ? Wow the lease in Waverly OH has more acorns than Ive ever seen.
Have a good season!

Maybe that area had more rain. I always head to a river swamp to get my dose of wood ducks the first couple weeks of the season. The banks are usually full of acorns and they are certainly down from prior years. My yard at home is also not nearly as littered with acorns as it usually is. Some years it's like walking on marbles.