Troy Fields
Well-known member
With only 3 hunts left, the eiders in the areas that I hunt have sure been sparse in comparison to past years. There is one pocket of birds in a well known area that are seasoned birds and actually fun to watch them as they skirt and avoid the duck boats, yet they let the lobster fisherman cruise right on through without lifting a head or feather.
The season to date has been mild for the most part, but breezy and seemingly bigger seas than I remember in the past. The final three trips should be in more seasonal temps with the mornings starting in the mid teens. I'll post the season pics later, but in the meantime, here is one of my favorites already. A nice drake eider taken with a model 37 Ithaca 16 gauge which was shooting BOSS ammo, 2-3/4 #5's
Happy 2023 to all .

The season to date has been mild for the most part, but breezy and seemingly bigger seas than I remember in the past. The final three trips should be in more seasonal temps with the mornings starting in the mid teens. I'll post the season pics later, but in the meantime, here is one of my favorites already. A nice drake eider taken with a model 37 Ithaca 16 gauge which was shooting BOSS ammo, 2-3/4 #5's
Happy 2023 to all .