Empire State Gunners ~ End the backtag

Kevin - I'm a strong believer in Hunter Orange for deer, turkey and small game. Many very close calls and shot once got my attention (even though folks still get shot wearing hunter orange). I wear a orange hat and orange breakup with black vest, while deer hunting.

In PA, they go by square inches and some orange camo will get you a ticket. I do believe PA had 2 fatalities last season.

I must admit though, when I see a old timer in the NY deer woods in Woolrich Red&Black Plaid, it brings back lots of memories. It's the hunters in tan and brown coveralls roaming the NY deer woods that make me shake my head...

The no hunting fatalities in NY last season is very good news indeed. A result of many factors, including a lot less hunters than many years ago.
As a former NYS hunter safety instructor, I am all for gettint rid of the back tag... As far as hunter orange while deer hunting, I am all for it, especially while driving deer. Don't quote me, but I've heard a few states require you to have orange on going to a fro the stand... Not a bad idea...
Years ago the NYS hunter safety program had the least incidents per hunter years ago...
I was never a fan of the backtag! Not trying to hi-jack the thread but was curious if anyone from Missouri could tell me if the state ever got rid of the (in my opinion, dumb) "Be Safe" sticker required for turkey hunting? You had to put a little round, (gooey went it got wet or hot) sticker that said "Be Safe" on the rise or neck of your gun so you remembered to "Be Safe" before firing. I almost got a fine for not having one......had no idea what the warden was even talking about. It wasn't even in the Hunting handbook.

You don't often hear rational used in conjunction with New York

I expect it was two fold. The fact you were legal showed at a distance. And if some one had a complaint (say trespass) they might have a chance to identify the subject by the number