Worth Mathewson
Active member
Some on this page might be aware that hunting is outlawed in the Australian states of New South Wales, Queensland, Western Australia and ACT. Sometime within the next month there will be a decision to outlaw duck and quail hunting in the states of Victoria and South Australia. The anti hunters have become more powerful during the past few years. I went down to Victoria to hunt ducks and quail almost every year from 2002 until 2013. Some of the best duck hunting I have had anywhere. And a great group of waterfowlers. I shipped one of my Barnegat boats down to use, which caught a lot of attention. Several of the guys I hunted with have emailed that things look very grim. In an attempt to protect the right to hunt the President of Delta Waterfowl went down to speak to the committee formed to make the decision. Don't know if he accomplished anything. We all need to hope for the best! And if it ends in a closure, we need to study how the anti hunters pulled it off. The same tactics could be used over here. Australia isn't the only place such actions are being taken. In the UK Wales is experiencing a very strong movement to end shooting.