Epoxy Prep Question

Rich CH

New member
Hey guys I got my epoxy for repairing my skiff. THe keel has a few chunks that I want to put the epoxy with thickener in. First, the chunks missing have been painted over. Now do i just sand the area to remove the paint then wipe it clean and add the epoxy? Or is there more to it? Then can anybody tell me what kind of ratio of thickener to epoxy to get a peanut butter consistency? Thanks guys!!
Rich, I'm no expert, but I suspect the experts will want to know what your boat is made of--wood? glass?
Rich, I would sand, clean with M.E.K or xylene then mix your epoxy according to the directions it came with, i have only used west system and i have the pumps that mix for me, one pump to one pump. You can acheive whatever consistency you want by adding an agent to the epoxy, micro bubbles, wood flour, sawdust etc until you reach the thickness you want. epoxy will stick to polyester but not vise versa
Sorry guys the skiff is fiberglass, with some plywood in the keel. Sorry again for the miscue, was little busy when I posted. Thanks again!!

I use MAS epoxy but whatever brand simply mix according to the directions and then gradually add fine sawdust or microbeads ect. (all also available from your supplier) to the thickness desired. Also as already stated remove all paint and clean the area well.
I would add 1 step to what jehler & steve said. Mix your epoxy, then paint a coat of UNTHICKENED epoxy in & around the missing chunks, THEN add your thickening agent to the epoxy. This lets the wood soak up what epoxy it wants to, otherwise the wood might be starved with just the thickened epoxy applied. Good Luck