Ever kick a guy out of your group because he's too cheap?


Well-known member
I'm at that point. I messaged him this morning that over and above the gas for my tow vehicle, it's going to cost a minimum of $60 to launch my boat for our second season opener next weekend. I have a trailer light that needs to be replaced, one trailer bearing, outboard gas, and some seafoam, just to get in the water. Motor really needs an oil change and lower unit oil change as well. Really $100 to get caught up. He was actually trying to bum some 20ga pheasant loads off of me this morning. $14 for a box of high brass 20 ga and he says he can't afford them. I'm not working and can't pay for him. I'm kinda done. I've been having fun with my pup chasing pheasants so I'm OK if I skip duck hunting. Also OK duck hunting solo like I do the majority of the time.

I have thousands invested in gear and have no patience for a guy who can't even afford $14 ammo.

How many of you guys deal with this?

Oh, and HA.... if I do take him for ducks and he tries to bum ammo, his gun only shoots 2-3/4 inch.

Biggest problem is going to be his attitude if he has to pay to play.... won't even want him in the boat.
Nothing formal about it. We duck hunted a few times last year and he just assumes he's in for next week. He invited himself porgy/fluke fishing over the summer. Brought ingredients for vodka tonics but I needed gas money for the boat and my tow vehicle. The other invited guy threw me a 20
reminds me of the time i was with some one who was making us late because she was on the phone with a woman she did not like,

i said we had to go, she said she could not get off the phone

i said, may i speak to her, she handed me the phone, i said goodbye and hung up
I went with a guy this morning like that. Had to use all my stuff, I had to even buy him shells, he drank my coffee. He fell asleep and I had to step over him to finish setting up the blind. To top it off his shooting wasn?t very polished. Damn, what a good morning.

As for your guy, it sounds like he is more aggravating than an asset. Cut him free if he isn?t doing it for you.
A good hunting and fishing partner you,ll become like a brother with. Doesn,t sound like you,ve found that one yet. Bow out gracefully and move on.
I?m very picky. Ow about who I take hunting or fishing. My time to enjoy the outdoors is too limited to waste on bad partners. Cut him loose.

A good hunting partner is someone that you trust your life with, and they feel the same.

A equal partnership that if one is lacking something, the other provides, and vise versa. You have each others back.

We all have lean times when a good partner will offer, even before they are asked to help. You know each other that well.

A mooch is a totally different animal. There is no balance, no partnership, just someone along for the ride.

Some folks can abide that, others cannot.

I am in the cannot camp, as that is how I was taught, and brought up. Once labeled a mooch it sticks.

You do what is right in all aspects to the best of your ability, as in, do unto others as they do unto you.

A good hunting & fishing partner is a Blessing, and you only get some many in a lifetime. They add to the outdoor experience and enjoyment, not detract from it.

Many a solo hunter is someone that has lost one, or more very good hunting partners.

As Carl wrote. Cut him loose.
Sounds like my late brother, wants to go duck hunting but has no boat, (I used a one man rig), no waders, no ammo, no proper clothes.
So I get him there, cram him into the boat, set the decoys, retrieve the ducks, and he has the chutzpah to complain I brought the ducks too close and he couldn't hit them with his super full choke wonder banger. [:/]

This was on a pretty nice day, but it was too early, too wet. too cold....I never took him again.

If I can throw my brother under the bus, you can get rid of a sponge like your "buddy"
Jim, when I moved to Alaska in 1966. I found this out from a mentor that helped suggest things for me to think about when buying my first rifle and getting me started on big game hunting. He also passed on this advice about finding a hunting partner when he said, "Al, finding that right kind of hunting partner for yourself is ten times more important than finding that girl you want to marry." He was right.
Tell all the moochers it will cost so much to hunt or fish. You bought the boat, motor, decoys and they can pay for gas, lunch, bait etc.
Off shore fishing costs, my boat held 200 gallons of fuel. baits and dock space $$$$$$ Want to go???
JimG said:
I'm at that point. I messaged him this morning that over and above the gas for my tow vehicle, it's going to cost a minimum of $60 to launch my boat for our second season opener next weekend. I have a trailer light that needs to be replaced, one trailer bearing, outboard gas, and some seafoam, just to get in the water. Motor really needs an oil change and lower unit oil change as well. Really $100 to get caught up. He was actually trying to bum some 20ga pheasant loads off of me this morning. $14 for a box of high brass 20 ga and he says he can't afford them. I'm not working and can't pay for him. I'm kinda done. I've been having fun with my pup chasing pheasants so I'm OK if I skip duck hunting. Also OK duck hunting solo like I do the majority of the time.

I have thousands invested in gear and have no patience for a guy who can't even afford $14 ammo.

How many of you guys deal with this?


There is a lot of information in your post. Sounds like you have several reasons to be frustrated which have nothing to do with your hunting partner(s).

He can't afford ammo and you are not working,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, frustrating yes, but doesn't sound like he is in any better financial shape than you are. There was a time when I could not afford to hunt and fish as much as I might have wanted too. I didn't have a dog because I knew I could not afford the cost of up keep. Same with having a dedicated duck hunting boat, I couldn't afford the cost of maintaining it.

If I can't afford to pay for my toys, that's on me. If I enter into an agreement to purchase equipment on a shared basis, well lets just say I don't do that, it very rarely works out well from what I hear.

If a shared trip is planned, the cost is discussed beforehand and money collected before the trip is made, if that is what is expected. Our group has an agreement as to what expenses are covered by the group and what expenses are individual.

I hope everything gets better for you and I sincerely hope you find work soon.
Jim, Jim I Been hunting now for 60 some years,now because of health issues i cant hunt ducks anymore,but i can tell you i went through my share of moochers who never wanted to pay their way,i doped the hammer up on them & they still had closed zippers on their pockets,well i told them its time to shit or get off the free pot .the new partners i choose 1st payed their way & then some & were a pleasure to gun with , we even took turns shooting at birds , we yous to say to each other let see if your going to be a champ or chump. good partners are hard to find.get rid of your moocher.
Oh yeah Dave, I have my own financial issues. You are a machinist, correct, from what I've gathered over the years? At 56, in CT, if I was a machinist I could find work. I'm a manager in a specific industry. I lost my last job to a kid still in school because the owner was looking to cut costs because CT never recovered from the recession. Still hasn't. I've looked into positions in various other industries and mostly don't even get a response. If you are over 50, a manager type person, you are pretty much locked out of the job market, in the northeast anyway. I think I will have better opportunity down around Daytona, where her mom and stepfather need some help and adult supervision, so if I can keep my SUV from breaking down, I have a few positions to apply to. But I need to be ready to move on a 2 week notice and she follows after she finds a banker job, which shouldn't be as age restrictive....we hope.

As for this guy, he has had a difficult year emotionally and financially. But it seems that he just expects to show up, actually me picking him up at his house, and hunt for free. Can't happen that way. Not right now. Monday should be a pheasant stocking day at a WMA 25 minutes drive away. I probably have to pass because I used up my gas allowance from my wonderful woman between Friday and Saturday. She loves me taking our pup out so hope she can find $10 more gas. Sucks when you open your wallet to dump out dust.

And how are you liking the boat you bought from my buddy? Hope you ripped out the electrical and replaced with marine grade components. That's what happens when a jet engine engineer builds a little duck boat....LOL

Jim -

During the 1970's my best gunning partner and I were both out of work (as were many other folks).

Yet between the Ohio & PA waterfowl season we only missed 3 days. Of course each of us was single at the time, and lived to hunt waterfowl.

Each evening after a hunt we would call each other, and ask -

!) Do we have $$ for gas for the old Scout, and for the boat motor, if we were using the boat?

2) Do we have enough 'bullets" between us, and if not (cripples on water take lotta shots) do we have $$ to buy them?

3) Who is gonna make the food & coffee to fuel our hunt, or is there $$ to stop somewhere?

More than once we had just enough fuel to get there and back, for the Scout, and the outboard.

More than once we shared a new box of "bullets". Pooled the other "bullets" we had.

He would put only 2 shells in his Model 12, and I would put only 2 shells in my 1100. Three shells went in the guns when batting clean up on cripples.

Yes there were days when we had to stop hunting, when we ran out of "bullets".

We were true gunning partners in every sense of the word, and boy did we have fun.

He was the first of handful of true gunning partners I had for well over 40 years.

He can no longer hunt, and the others have gone to the Happy Hunting Ground, and I mostly hunt alone.

I think of all those years, and seasons and smile.

There was always a price we had to pay to do what we loved, but the memories are priceless.

The ideal is for each of us to find true gunning partners if we choose to. Hopefully yours will find you.
It is always nice to find a $50 in the ash tray of the truck.
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I would be frustrated too. Like I tell all my employees, and (most) of my friends ... we gotta communicate. Have you let him know in no uncertain terms your reasonable expectations? If he's still unwilling, cut the freeloader loose. If you've yet to communicate your expectations, cut the freeloader some slack. Just my my worthless $0.02
I learned from one of my early mentors: "The guy who owns the equipment or drives doesn't pay for the gas to get there." I've followed this myself and expect those that fish/hunt with me to do the same.

On my recent trip to Ontario, we used a friends two vehicles and boat. He didn't pay for any fill ups in either vehicle, didn't pay the night we ate out and my other friend and I left $50 on the table for him.

Gear cost money. Moochers have no place, unless they are dead broke, out of work, or if it their first time out, I may give them a pass.

Let him go. I have to say, I have one of the best hunting partners in the world. Met him here on the forum. We have been hunting together for the past eight years.