Interesting. For twenty five years since I have lived in Cambridge, New York, a small town located in an agrarian area with the Adirondacks to the North and the Green Mountains to the east with vast areas of undeveloped land to the North and East, I have come across many individuals who have seen mountain lions in this area. They come from all walks of life and are most often reliable working people and farmers. But up until about three years ago, our New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) pooh-poohed these sightings-house cats or captives animals released.
Then about three years ago, a mountain lion was killed by a car on the Merrick Parkway in Connecticut. The DNA was examined and it proved to be a wild animal from North Dakota. Samples of fur and scat from the Lake George area were examined after sightings of a mountain lion earlier there, and it proved to be the same animal by DNA analyses. DEC now says there are no breeding mountain lions in New York which may be true. But the year before last from March until May we had a mountain lion hanging around the outskirts of the Village, specifically behind my house. My house borders on an organic farm of 60 acres which in turn borders upon nearby undeveloped hills and small mountains. The farm was raising free range chickens in large numbers. The farmers saw the animal, and there was a deer kill in my friends back yard in the snow with unmistakable tracks. The cat hung around for two months and both neighbors saw it in the street headed to the chicken compound. I am figuring each day or night it was picking up a six pack of free ranges without much effort.
The event was covered by the local news out of Albany, "Mountain Lion in Cambridge" and my friend was interviewed and the local police chief. I am pretty sure it can still be googled up.
In any event DEC was in denial mode again. I have a fence in the yard for our lab and I kept a close eye on her for the duration.