Expanding the Fleet

I believe that is to keep the flapper boards (as I like to call them) from completely folding flat thus keeping the doors at a specific angle/height. Mine has wood for that purpose.
Mike is right that's exactly what it's for. I have small blocks of wood I use to adjust the angle of the boards as I see fit too.
I use the five gallon paint stirrers for that as well. In the early morning we use those when it's a little darker and we can open up the boards a bit for more room. When it gets more light out, we remove them for more concealment
I have a 2012 high box as well. I sit in mine like a sneakbox using a turkey chair as a seat. What a difference it was going from a BBSB. Now the old boat just sits in the yard.
I have been lusting for a Roy boat fot years. Being in IL we just don't see many of them for sale locally. I know a river where a high boat up against the tall banks would be leathal and comfortable. Thanks for posting pictures.
Couple more shots for you. Added LEDs for loading at those pitch black South Jersey ramps.



Gahhh I still wanna kick Anthony in the rear for selling that boat. you got a nice rig there as I've said before she's mint
Gahhh I still wanna kick Anthony in the rear for selling that boat. you got a nice rig there as I've said before she's mint
Ha ha yeah he said you guys were going to be pissed at him for selling it. When I saw the condition of it I couldn't pass it up.
I've run great bay in it already, not in any heavy weather, but it handles a wind chop with ease. It's still a 12ft boat at the end of the day though.

John O and other owners have much more experience running them in heavy weather than I. When it's a true 4-5ft I'd rather be in my Regulator!
Congrats Craig nice boat. You will love it. Although I wouldn't want to be out in 4 or 5 footers in it. I have a 14 foot and was out in 3 to 3.5 footers and the boat handled it better than my nerves did.
I like the floor camo, I'm going to switch to LED lights too, I feel so spoiled with the cabin lights sometimes though, my traditional box didn't have em and when I turn mine on my buddies in there box envy me ha.
Had my Roy boat out this am in 4+ foot seas and went well, was a wet ride but made it back safe, probably the worst I had it out in and I would do it again if needed, one hell of a boat.
Craig, What kind of seating is used in these boats? I noticed a momarsh type seat in one of the pics. Is it possible to use a bucket to sit on or will that be too high? Maybe Yosh can chime in on this too
Scott I think it depends on your preference and how high/low you'd want to sit and how high your side boards are. I use milk crates cut in half (meaning half as tall) and my momarsh seat on top.
Other people would know better than I, but yes he made a 14 high boat as well. I understand those are very rare.

I will say after hunting the 12 high boat for the second half of this season I've fallen in love with it.


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