Meh... I feel like police officers had a harder job during covid. They were dealing with the riots and defunding and all the bs nonsense. It was a disaster for them. I just feel like every profession goes through some sort of shit, and it was hospital staff' turn. Ill be honest, burn me at the cross if you want, but I am still not vaccinated. I was signed up to be one of the first in the state when it came out. Elderly and "front line workers" were the first to be approved to get it. I signed myself and my significant other to get it..... then we started getting the patients who were just as sick but testing negative. I had a 92 year old who biked 20-24 miles a day and he was on 45L/min high flow and we tested him every day and all were negative covid tests. Same week I had a rock climber who had a body like a greek god, and she ended up vented. Both had just received the vaccine that week (I actually think it was same day) and the younger lady was the girlfriend of a healthcare worker, but we even swabbed her lung tissue when we intubated and it still came back negative. I didnt like that, I was out, cancelled my vaccine appt so fast and I found Jesus and picked up the bible again after almost 15 years and I wrote an essay on how it went against my religion. I was never forced to get it after I submitted that essay. Pretty sure HR just needed something for my file, but I also knew scripture pretty well and could get around the bible pretty quickly as my father is a pastor for a church. But i am the least bit religious, but it saved me from the jab. Not ashamed of my decision, and I had so many docs telling me I was going to die, right to my face. So when I did catch it, and came back completely fine and healthy, I shook all their hands and told them I would haunt them forever. Docs were BS during that time too. We had Ipads in every room and docs were doing their "rounding" through a screen. I blew through a doc meeting one time and asked how they could listen to lung sounds through an ipad screen. I got written up for that one, but I dont do well with nonsense like that. I guess that kind of showed the other day when I fought with an old lady about snow geese on here. got that italian fire from my mommas side unfortunately.