
I have one that is all camp wool, not the duck material

it is not the warmest hat I have, good for mild days

warmest hat I have found was a $12 carhartt , use that most days when it is cold and windy
You can't compare apples to oranges but i have a waxed ball cap without insulation it is vented and does condense moisture on the underside.
I have the Filson hat you are talking about and I wear it from temps in the 40's all the way down to 0 and below-it's never let me down and is built like a tank! I love Filson gear and the hat is a worthwhile investment in my opinion.
Phil, I have the both the Filson and the Yazoo and like both below 40 degrees. The Yazoo is lighter but the Filson stays on my size 8 head better. I've had the Yazoo for 20 years and the Filson for 12 and wouldn't give up either (although I must confess I wear them both more for Ice fishing than I do duck hunting.) I mostly wear my brown waxed canvas Kromer until late in the season and then switch to the warmer hats. The price tag on the Filson is steep as I recall, but when I find a hat that fits and I like, I tend to not pay too much attention to the price. Besides the way this thing wears, the cost per year of owning it drops every season.
I love the Yazoo... but has not been available for some time.... While it might not be wise to buy fashion clothes in bulk... hunting/working clothes... buy in bulk when you find something that works!!!!

The Filson is about $70.
Sounds about the same price as I paid for mine 10 years ago so they haven't gone up too bad. I agree about the buying in bulk. My Yazoo is so old it's Brown Camo, but it still works great. I like the Stormy Kromers too and have 3 of them for different things.