Finally got my David Clark estuary grass up

Gary March

Well-known member
Ok, Its now ready to go. about 10,000 quick ties and 4 boxes of Prairie Grass. My puddle duck decoys are all freshly painted and ready to go. Just back the truck up in September. My puddle duck rig this year consist of 33 widgeons, 14 coots, 8 Pintails and 12 mallards. Done. Now I can start working on my diver rig and boat. Will post pics when I get it done. Is it hunting season yet?

Gary March





Ya know, I've always found it more relaxing to wait till the day befor the opener before i start getting the rig ready. hehe
Verry nice job
I hope my boat will look as good as yours when Iam done .
How did you attach the grass to the motor ?
Bob, I used quick ties about every five inches. Drilled tiny holes into the decoy rack. The canvas has straps sowed to it so fastened quick ties to the grass onto the straps.

Howard, I know what you mean. Many a season I was out working on my rig only to get a couple hrs of sleep before the opener. I guess I am getting a little wisdom. HeHe

Leonard, I made a cover to go over my motor and sowed leather strapes to it. Then fastened the grass with quick ties.

Chris, The grass is sold by Cabelas and is called prairie grass. It is on sale for 50% off this month so I loaded up. Its very tough stuff. I used it on my little jet boat blind last season and am amazed how well its holding up. I have used most everything over the years, but I believe this is the best. Very light, and durable. After I put it on the boat I spray paint it with 5 different colors to get the dead grass look. Should blend in most places.

that boat looks as tight and tidy as everything in the background.

Wasn't there a post awhile back about your wife thinking you had a problem? More evidence I would say. Great job! Thanks for the info on the grass.

Looks like a shaggy dog in a good way. Just curious, does your local law enforcement give you guys out there any hassle concerning visible boat numbers or do they not say much about it? I've seen it go both ways (seems to depend on the officer) around here.
great looking job Gary. I was using the weaved marsh grass but it didnt seem to hold up after it got wet. How many 10lb bags does it take to cover your boat? I have a MLB Chuck Huff, does your grass hold up well being trailored? I guess that depends on how many zip ties one uses

Bill V
Gary: great job, that boat will hide so good, I would be afraid I would get run over by some airboat cowboy doun here in florida. How about some pictures of it in traveling mode? I am always looking for a better way of consolidating my blind to go down the road at interstate speeds. Thanks Rich.
Ya know, I've always found it more relaxing to wait till the day befor the opener before i start getting the rig ready. hehe Thanks for the laugh Howard.
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Looks good Gary. Always great to see your rig too. You know, we need Dave to start posting more pictures of his builds. I still want to get an Estuary. I may have to give him a call.